2 Black and Tan Coonhound Photos
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Snooper Snooper
Black and Tan Coonhound
Snooper is my little coonhound and he came from the animal shelter. He gets to sleep with his mommie and he is 3 years old. He is a little shy but very protective. He loves to cuddle with me and also he likes to be tackeld and play fetch the ball. He has a big bro who is a cattle dog who was also a rescue dog. I love them both.
Usa Usa

Buck & Holly Buck & Holly
Black and Tan Coonhound
Buck & Holly
Meet Buck and Holly. They are 4 month old Black and Tan coonhounds. Thye love playin with the kids.... goin to the park and findin new stuff ot sniff :)
Tracy & Cj W

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