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Website Registration

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Website Registration Page

Thank you for your interest in submitting your website. Please read the conditions before submitting your website.


Mandatory Item All website submissions are verified manually. Please allow up to one month for your website to be verified.

Mandatory Item There is no guarantee of admission into our Links Directory. We use several factors to judge the suitability of websites for inclusion in our directory.

Mandatory Item Non-inclusion in our directory is not a direct reflection of the quality of a website.

Mandatory Item The reasons for inclusion/exclusion in our Links Directory are for our personal information only. We do not notify you upon rejection of your website, but you will receive an email if we include you in our Links Directory.

Mandatory Item We only list websites that are dog-related and that are of value to our visitors.

Mandatory Item Only websites with reciprocal links are being considered for inclusion at this time. If you do not have a link to us on your website, you should insert one before submitting your website. You can go to our Banner Exchange to find a large selection of generic banners or a text link. If you'd like a banner with a particular dog breed, you can go to our Breed-Specific Banner Exchange .


Mandatory Item = Mandatory Fields

Personal / Company Information

Mandatory Item Company Name / Website Name

(max 50 characters)

Mandatory Item Nature of your business/website

(max 100 characters)

Mandatory Item First Name(Contact Name)

(max 50 characters)

Mandatory Item Last Name(Contact Name)

(max 50 characters)

State / Province

(max 50 characters)


(max 50 characters)

Mandatory Item Email

(max 50 characters)

Website Information

Mandatory Item Your Website
(max 100 characters)

Mandatory Item Reciprocal link on your website
(max 100 characters)

Desired Title for your Link

(max 50 characters)

Desired Body Text for your Link

(please keep it short)

Suggested Category

(max 75 characters)




Submit your website . Please click on this button once you've completed all of the mandatory fields on this page. Clicking on this button will submit your information to us. We review all websites manually, so please be patient. Thank you.

Warning . Clicking on this button will clear all of the information on this page.

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