29 Bullmastiff Photos
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Millie Millie
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this is our big beautiful Lady who sadly passed away recently leaving a massive empty space in our hearts she was more like a human than a dog and the best friend anybody could ever wish for we love you dearly R. I. P cannylass. xxx
Shona Stewart
Durham, Great Britain Durham, Great Britain

Bronson Bronson
Bronson is a 2 yr. old Bully, he's such a great friend and companion. He's smart, gentle, funny, most people just melt when they see him coming.
Ricky Lalla
Ajax, Ontario Ajax, Ontario

Chunk Chunk
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This is chunk. He was a great dog. I loved him to peices, and im sure you all agree that no dog could ever replace him... He is pictured here as a 5 month old pup. Look how cute! !
Natasha Herthwick
Florida Florida

Monkey Monkey
Monkey is a 2 year old Bullmastiff as of 3. 23. 08. I love him so dearly, and I also show him in a 4-H program.
Olivia D.
Washington, Vancouver, USA Washington, Vancouver, USA

Storm And Star Storm And Star
Storm And Star
i have 3 dogs domino hes a 2 year old springer spaniel, And i have 2 sister bull mastiffs theres 13 months old, there great with my cat although little big and the cat feels squished on times, they adore the hamsters an like watching the fish, star is the gentle giant of the 2 she doesnt jump and is very relaxed and layed back, she adores my children and not forgetting us to, storm is very hyperactive we had her from 4 weeks old and i fed her baby milk during the day and night this is why i think shes to over protective of me which i hope she will grow out of, storm is protective over my 5 children and often needs to go in another room if there play fighting as she will jump in and try to stop it, she is very loving and loves to be near all of the family. domino is also very hyperactive and took some time to house train, he still chews at 2 yrs old, he loves playing with the girls and children but can be a little to snappy with both dogs and if children are running about, hes got a box of teddies and likes sleeping under the bed underneath me, i love all my dogs to pieces and the kids adore them also, cats not to fond though of 3 but he does put up with them.
Carol Walters
cardiff uk cardiff uk

Lucy Lucy
We rescued Lucy at 8 months and 65 lbs. She is now 105+ and 17 months. She is a typical bully and gives us hours of entertainment.
Charlotte Brudenell

No Place Like Home 'Niro' No Place Like Home 'Niro'
No Place Like Home 'Niro'
this is Niro bringing the kiddos for a stroll, he is 14 months here!!
Tony C
Ireland Ireland

No Place Like Home 'Niro' No Place Like Home 'Niro'
No Place Like Home 'Niro'
Niro is a 15 month young bullmastiff, he is an absolute gentle giant.
Ireland Ireland

Kizer Kizer
kizer is the most loyal and loving dog ever he is a proper dads dog and does not listen much to women (like all men ha ha)
John Mchugh
ireland ireland

Buffy Buffy
Buffy is the love of my life. Unfortunately she has spondilitis of the spine and is not very well cannot get around too much now. She has a lovely nature. I rescued her when she was a year old and she is now 8yrs. I know I wont have her for much longer but everyday is a bonus.
Jayne Aitken
United Kingdom United Kingdom

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