2 English Setter Photos
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Ginger Ginger
English Setter
Ginger is an 11 year old dog. SHes one of the best dogs I have and ever will have. She looks like a dalmation and veryone says she is but she isn't she is a very calm dog and loves to go hunting. Ginger though is getting into her own old age stage, but to us she's all the same. Ginger and I are so close we are sisters.
Taylor L.
Minnesota Minnesota

Emma Emma
English Setter
I adopted Emma from the English Setter Rescue last year. She is 11 years old, though she rarely shows her age. She's from the south and not used to New England weather. It was snowing and she wanted to go out. By the time I got her jacket on, and then mine, she had already given up on going out and fell asleep on my couch.
Tara B

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