7 Flat-Coated Retriever Photos
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Lady Lady
Flat-Coated Retriever
Not Forgotten
She is the nicest and friendliest dog you would ever meeet
Jarrett Handford
Benton Arkansas Benton Arkansas

Duc Duc
Flat-Coated Retriever
Duc (2 years old) is such a big baby who is very strong and full of energy. He craves for a lot of attention and drives our other 2 huskies nuts.
Tyy B
Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, China

Lady Lady
Flat-Coated Retriever
My dog Lady is 2yrs old and yurns 3 on July,26. She can sit, shake, lay down, hi-five, and roll over. She is really funny when she gets on a new blanketed bed she will roll all over it.She loves to run and play with kids. She loves the water and our neighbers dog.
Jarrett H

Lady Lady
Flat-Coated Retriever
My dog Lady is 2yrs old and her Birth day is on July,26. I have thought her to sit, shake, lay down, hi- five, roll-over. She loves kids all the neighbers love her and she is a good dog. We nick named her Lady Bear because she looks like a grizzly bear :]. My family loves her.
Jarrett Handford

Lycos Lycos
Flat-Coated Retriever
"Lycos" is our first of 3 rescue dogs. A big Flatcoat, he is the best snuggler on cold nights because he is a little pudgy - not obese, but nice and mushy. We live in Alaska and it is sometimes hard to go outside for our usual long walks. Our second dog "Izzy" (previously named) a medium sized female Flatcoat mix is a high strung "girly ". The 3rd of our precious little doggys was just adopted yesterday, and as of yet, has no name. He is a miniature poodle and is why I am searching the internet for a name and a haircut for him. I found this site during my search and it has been a big help so far.
Robin Sanchez

Merlin Merlin
Flat-Coated Retriever
Merlin is a 1 1/2 year old Flat Coat that loves playing in the snow, and with his owner.
Nicole Dye

Chap Chap
Flat-Coated Retriever
Chap is a 8 year old Flattie and loves life. He lives with 8 other doggy friends and is always in a good mood. He is our first dog and he started our big love for the greatest breed of all the Flat-Coated Retriever.
Brigitte Caro
The Netherlands The Netherlands

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