4 Albania Dog Photos
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The Famous Amos Moses The Famous Amos Moses
The Famous Amos Moses
Who's the best Bulldog? AmosMoses!
Rob Bennett

Pupi Pupi
Border Collie
He is a very adorable dog. He loves us. He likes to take long walks and the the thing he likes most is to mark the trees. He is the most clever dog on earth. He knows when is time to go out, only with filling me. He's a very good friend and sometimes he easily gets nervous!
Edrin Spahiu
Tirana Albania Tirana Albania

Bobby Bobby
Shih Tzu
I don't think there exists another creature in this world that's sweeter than me. I am 6 years old and my parents spoil me to the fullest. Pretty soon I will have a brother and I'm looking forward to it. P.S. By the way, I love mom more than daddy. Bobby
Vilma and Darien Guri
Albania Albania

Bobby Bobby
Shih Tzu
He is the cutest dog ever! Bobby is 5 years and is a very lively dog. I love him!
Vilma Guri
Albania Albania

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