8 Argentina Dog Photos
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Camba Camba
Labrador Retriever
Camba is a sweet, naughty puppy. He loves pruning plants and swimming a lot!!!
Cristian G.
Argentina Argentina

Bonzo Bonzo
Labrador Retriever
Bonzo is very friendly and nice. He loves swimming and playing with his toys. In this pic he is trying to fix a pipeline!
Sandra G
Argentina Argentina

Mixed Breed
This is LUC. He is 18 months old. This is my first dog and couldnt of asked for any better. he likes playing and demand my attention all the time. He is such a lovely dog!
paula penzo
argentina argentina

Mixed Breed
He is from spain and he's such an intelligent dog. he is 1 year old. he is lovely and feel my life.
Paula Penzo
Argentina Argentina

Pola Pola
Chow Chow
Pola is a sweet and tender dog. She's always there to play and to hug. She has calm personality and she is the best of my life. I love my dog.
Valeria G
Argentina Argentina

Neron Neron
Chow Chow
Neron is 5 years old and he is a fantastic dog. He loves playing, running and bothering with Pola, his daughter, only when he is in the mood. He is an independent and loyal member of the family, and I love him for this duality, I mean, for having his own "PERSONALITY".
Valeria G
Argentina Argentina

Argus Argus
Argus is 9 months old and I enjoy him a lot. He's my spoilt "baby". What else can I say? You all know...
Valeria Ricca
Argentina Argentina

Lola Lola
Basset Hound
Lola is the sweetest in the world, she likes being cuddled all the time, she's very friendly and extremely stubborn. She rules!
Silvia G.
Argentina Argentina

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