4 Venezuela Dog Photos
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Sasha Sasha
Golden Retriever
She likes to go out for daily exercise, plays to get the ball also she loves to go to the beach and get into the water. She is sweet, lovable, polite and friendly. She makes us so happy.
Mnela R.
Venezula Venezula

I am Archie I am Archie
Miniature Pinscher
I am Archie
Hi...my name is Archie (my mom named me that way because of my red hair). I am 3 months old and have all the energy in the World! I share the house with her, her daughter Amanda and a cat named Cookie...we chase after each other all day long, but at the end, he jumps on his high chair when he gets tired. I love my family!!!
Betsy Urdaneta
Venezuela Venezuela

Gandalf Gandalf
This is my puppy Gandalf.. he's 3 months old. :)
Ruth Larreal
Venezuela Venezuela

Helena de Troya Helena de Troya
Helena de Troya
This is a very lazy girl, she spends the whole day sleeping on the green grass. She eats a lot and yet has a great slim body ;). this is the kind of life we all want.
JL Vasquez
Venezuala Venezuala

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