34 Cairn Terrier Photos
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Winston Winston
Cairn Terrier
Winston, a brindle Cairn Terrier, was born in June 2005 and is two years old. He is a very warm and playful and loves people, other dogs (especially female), car rides, balls, bonies and FOOD. He can go from a snuggling lap dog to watch dog in a nano second. He is a great pet!
Bucks County PA Bucks County PA

Abby Abby
Cairn Terrier
Abby is 9 months old and very full of energy!
J Lintott
Saskatchewan Canada Saskatchewan Canada

Jessica Jessica
Cairn Terrier
She is my best friend. I love her because is unique. Nobody can replace it... I love her, I love her, I love her!
Corina Simion
Romania Romania

Fergie Fergie
Cairn Terrier
This if fergie, all i can say about him is that he is supercalafragilisticexpealidoseous.
Usa Usa

Winston Winston
Cairn Terrier
Winston was born June, 2005 and is playful, smart, handsome, and a great watchdog. He can jump high enough to grab a sandwich off the kitchen counter. Winston is protective of his owners and can even enjoy being cuddled. We love him so much!!
Kimberly Anderson

copper copper
Cairn Terrier
Hi. Copper is 1 years old.She is a loving dog. She is small.She is werd dog.She poos and pees in the houses.And we were gone for 45 min.She pees 5 times and poop 2 times i dont get it.So some times i put her in the kennle and she is fine if she is im the holl houses she pees and poops so time.
Ally Goldstone
Aldergrove b.c Aldergrove b.c

Owen Owen
Cairn Terrier
Owen is 11 weeks old and loves to chase after our feet. He plays with his favorite toy, an empty water bottle, in the kitchen and sprawled on the floor. We have nicknamed him Iceman because he loves ice cubes. Every time we open the freezer he is at our feet.
Wendy Roy
United States United States

Eddie Eddie
Cairn Terrier
He is an 11 year old very, energetic, fun loving dog! He loves people! I got him from the humane society.He had been there 3 months! I love my dog!
Keri H.

Chloe Chloe
Cairn Terrier
Chloe is a fun loving little girl. She is 2 years old and loves people.
Michelle Cunningham
Alaska, USA Alaska, USA

Poppi Poppi
Cairn Terrier
Poppi has an amazing character, she's very playful & thinks she's so bold but in fact is quite nervous of the unknown. Poppi likes things in their right place, if something is out of place she soon lets me know. Like all Cairns she can be very stubborn but she's so adorable & cute - she's the love of my life & my kids think I spoil her.
Jules M
British British

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