32 Poodle (Miniature) Photos
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Kelly Kelly
Poodle (Miniature)
This is my dog Kelly. He is the cutest dog in the world and he is 5 months old. He loves playing with his brother Niro (dachshund) and he loves eating too. At first it is not easy for him to cope with our climate here in our country but later on he enjoys the environment already.
Eric Cruz
Philipines Philipines

Kelly Kelly
Poodle (Miniature)
These are my dogs KELLY (POODLE) and NIRO (DACHSHUND) they love playing and they love to eat.. They are the cutest DOGS in the world and our family treasure them and love them too, coz we treat them like real people..already...
Eric Cruz
Philipines Philipines

Dido Dido
Poodle (Miniature)
My dog is very friendly, smart and brave. He loves to take baths an wear his bandana, he likes sunny days and he chases lizards and insects.
Dash A.
Honduras Honduras

Lacy Lacy
Poodle (Miniature)
This is my amazing, five year old dog, Lacy. Lacy is truly amazing because she can play soccer! She dribbles the ball with her paws, she hits headers, she can gaurd anyone, and she can even be a goalie! She is a sporty dog and the coolest dog EVER! She is so much fun. Lacy can roll over, give high five, give double high five, shake, and the basic tricks. I LOVE MY LACY!
Katie Kranking

Lacy Lacy
Poodle (Miniature)
This is my amazing, five year old dog, Lacy. Lacy is truly amazing because she can play soccer! She dribbles the ball with her paws, she hits headers, she can gaurd anyone, and she can even be a goalie! She is a sporty dog and the coolest dog EVER! She is so much fun. Lacy can roll over, give high five, give double high five, shake, and the basic tricks. I LOVE MY LACY!
Katie Kranking

Jade Jade
Poodle (Miniature)
This is Jade. She she is full breed miniutre poodle. she has a great tempurment. she is a loving dog and is very affectionate. she love people and her cookies. She loves going for walks.she is one loving dog and she is a great pet to have. Both me and her are like 2 sisiters that you can never seperate. we always sharecie cream cones and other treats!
Robyn Chhina
Bristish Columbia, Cananda Bristish Columbia, Cananda

Buddy Buddy
Poodle (Miniature)
my dog is a midium size he is really cuit but it is kinda weird that i have a poddle thats a boy hes not all puffy liuke most once his leg broke but we got it fixed he is a really amazing cuit dog and it feels like hes part of mmy family and he is weve had him for 5 or 4 years so hes probroly 5 or 4 thats about my miniture poodle
Katie Beverley
Usa Usa

Olivia Olivia
Poodle (Miniature)
She became part of our family last February. She'll be a year old in December. She is a sweet dog who loves everyone. My daughter plays dress up with her and she is really a good sport.
Teresa F
Usa Usa

McKay McKay
Poodle (Miniature)
McKay is a 12 year old mini poodle. McKay is very much a mush. He loves to cuddle and give kisses. McKay is the other love of our lives.
Debbie M

Cindy Cindy
Poodle (Miniature)
Not Forgotten
She died about 3 year ago. I was very sad especially becuase I was in the UK and not there. She was fun loving and very sweet. I miss her alot!!!
Ilanda Diener
South Africa South Africa

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