38 Spain Dog Photos
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Lily Lily
This is my tea cup Pomeranian called Lily. She is 8 weeks tomorrow (4th november). She is 650g she is beautiful, I love her loads. I call her Lily Lu Lu she is like a kitten not a dog but she is great. I love you Lily!
Sam Saunders
Spain Spain

Abby Abby
Basset Hound
This is Abby she is 12 weeks old and is 6kg. She is so great, I love her very much but who couldn't love that face.
Jodie Saunders
Spain Spain

Abby Abby
Basset Hound
Another photo of Abby. She is so beautiful.
Jodie Saunders
Spain Spain

Abby Abby
Basset Hound
This is my baby girl, she is sooooooooooooo beautiful.
Jodie Saunders
Spain Spain

Abby Abby
Basset Hound
This is Abby. She is 2 months old. I only got her yesterday. She is beautiful. She gets on well with my 2 Westies, Chelsea and Cassy and Jack our mix breed dog. Well I am just about to take her to the vets to have a check up.
Jodie Saunders
Spain Spain

Cassy Cassy
West Highland White Terrier
This is Cassy, she is 6 years old and is a great little girl. One of the best friends I will ever have. I love you Cassy.
Sam Saunders
Spain Spain

Jack Jack
Mixed Breed
This is Jack he is 17 months old and is the best dog in the world he is a right mummy's boy. He has really bad hip dysplaisa in both hips but that does not stop him from being a great dog! The best friend i will ever have. I love you Jack.
Sam Saunders
Spain Spain

Captain Captain
This is Captain. My sister and I bought him about 4 years ago. He is adorable and loving. He jumps or climbs fences very well. HaHa. Not a great practise, but he is generally very obedient. We love our baby!
Christina B
Spain Spain

Chelsea and Cassy Chelsea and Cassy
West Highland White Terrier
Chelsea and Cassy
Chelsea is the dog on the left and he is nearly 7 years. Cassy is the dog on the right and she is 6. They are such beautiful dogs. Cassy is mine and Chelsea is my sister's dog. I also own Jack you will find him in the "Photoz of Sriendz" section. Jack is under the "Mixed Breed" section.
Sam Saunders
Spain Spain

Jack Jack
Mixed Breed
Hi I am Jack.
Sam Saunders
Spain Spain

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