70 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Photos
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Alfie & Phoebe Alfie & Phoebe
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Alfie & Phoebe
Alfie is almost 3 and Phoebe is 5 months old. They get into all sorts of mischief together and this picture was taken just after they had finished digging a huge hole!!!
Ian D
England England

Max Max
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
This is max he is now 6 months old and is a soppy little boy. He loves the childrens toys more than his own. He lives here with me my 18 month old dauther and my 7yr old daughter, even though hes only 6 months he still thinks hes there protector bless him. He is always with my 18 month old daughter he is really her dog. This is a really good dog to have if you have children well i think so as some people think they are agressive dogs, but it is only the way you bring them up. I would never be with out him now even though he has ruined my house and i dont even wanna imagine how many puonds worth of my childrens toys hes gone through But we all love him. :)
Yana Williams
British British

Meathead Meathead
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
My dog is a rescue he was very abused when he was younger. I have had him since he was 4 months old.. nothing but rags.. I have healed him to be a wonderful animal.
Brandy Hoetger

Saffire & Tyler Saffire & Tyler
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Saffire & Tyler
These are my two staffs Saffi and Tyler. Saffi is the brindle one and is 4 years old and Tyler is the black and white one and is 14 weeks old. As you can see all they do all day is sleep. Here they are catching a few zzzs.
Sarah Fox
British British

Tyler Tyler
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
This is my puppy Tyler she is 14 weeks old born on the 10/12/05. Tyler is a very giddey pup and she loves to chew anything that is left on the floor. She brings lots of fun to our house and loves my kids.
Sarah Fox
British British

Misty Misty
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
She is 2 1/2 years old.
Joanne I
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland

Kiara Kiara
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Kiara thinks she is human, but I don't mind, it is all about the personality and she has a very big one!! Go Aussie's!!!!
Alisha E
Australia Australia

Madison and Beau Madison and Beau
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Madison and Beau
Madison and Beau are our 2 loveable dogs. Madison is the black one and is 5 years old. Madison is really friendly and loves being around kids. Beau is the red and white one. She is 2 years old. She is soo playful and loves cuddles and kids! Both of the dogs are so spoilt!
Joanne B
England England

Roxy Roxy
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Roxy is a two year old Pit Bull Terrier.
Katie P.

Bud Bud
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
He loves people around him. He is 1 year old and loves his owner.
Liam Davis
British British

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