73 Saint Bernard Photos
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Bruno - The Big Guy Bruno - The Big Guy
Saint Bernard
Not Forgotten
Bruno - The Big Guy
Bruno was 11 years old when he died July 20,2005. We all loved him. Bruno was the boss. He wanted all the attention. He didn't like other dogs, but he loved people. He slept on his waterbed. Even a few days before his death, he wanted to go for a walk. He loved to go for a walk and shows the other dogs in the neighborhood that he was out and he was in charge. He will never be forgotten. He died from cancer. Love you, Big Guy!
Eddie Sandy

Bubsey Annie Bubsey Annie
Saint Bernard
Bubsey Annie
Annie is our first female Saint. The other two were males, both deceased. Annie is a lover-she loves me no matter what. She loves to play with Tommie, our Pekinese. Annie loves to give you love. She is 6 now. She loves to eat, play, and go "bye-bye" in the van for doublecheeses and ice cream at McDonalds.
Cathy Sandy

Waldo Waldo
Saint Bernard
Waldo - his name fits.
Dawn Keesee
Germany Germany

Nahla and Waldo Nahla and Waldo
Saint Bernard
Nahla and Waldo
Nahla was our first Saint! She is undergoing many medical issues right now, but is hanging in there. She is five years of age now and is still my big baby. Waldo is also five, and is our rescue! We saved him from an abusive family! They used to bring him over to play, and then the wife had a baby and decided to start beating him for all kinds of reasons. We gave it a try and took him in. He astonishes me everyday with his large heart! He knows when I'm down or his girl Nahla is having a bad day. Both my sweeties love our kids and share their beds all the time. We have taken Nahla to St. Bernard Pass in Switzerland, and hope that one day we can bring Waldo.
Dawn Keesee
Germany Germany

Amy Amy
Saint Bernard
Here is an updated photo of Amy. She is now 17 months and is gorgeous!
Julie Miles
Wales, UK Wales, UK

Lexie Lexie
Saint Bernard
Lexie updated.
Julie Miles
Wales, UK Wales, UK

Sally Sally
Saint Bernard
Sally updated, seen here with her friend Zeta in the background!
Julie Miles
Wales, UK Wales, UK

Zeta Zeta
Saint Bernard
Here is an updated photo of Zeta on the mountain. She is 4 years old and a lovely big chunky with a really happy personality. A much loved member of my Saint Bernard family.
Julie Miles
Wales, UK Wales, UK

Heidi Heidi
Saint Bernard
Here is an updated photo of Heidi. She will be six years old next month and thoroughly enjoys life despite her disabilities. Seen here on her mountain walk. She is the Matriarch of my St.Bernard family and is a Saint by name and by nature.
Julie Miles
Wales, UK Wales, UK

Luke Luke
Saint Bernard
Luke is the latest addition to my St.Bernard family. He weighed under five kilo on arrival at seven weeks. He is now 17 weeks and weighs 28 kilo. He has slotted in with our family really well and thoroughly enjoys his country home and Saint Bernard friends!
Julie Miles
Wales, UK Wales, UK

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