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The Best Dog Food Ingredients

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The Best Dog Food Ingredients

*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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The Best Dog Food Ingredients
by Derek Young

What are the best dog food ingredients? Can dogs eat eggs, vegetables, and fruits, and is it healthy? What about commercial dog foods? This article will go over some of the common, healthy and energizing dog food ingredients, as well as some general guidelines about feeding your dog.

Before we talk about dog food ingredients, it's important to address what role commercial dog foods play. Commercial dog foods - Despite being marketed as nutritional and healthy - Have been proven to be very damaging to your dog's health. Commercialized dog food generally contains color, texture, and taste changing chemical agents, as well as harmful preservatives and other chemicals.

These chemicals have been shown to damage dog livers and kidneys, and contain cancer-causing agents. The nutritional content in commercial dog food is also unnatural and difficult for your dog to absorb. Instead of nutrition naturally in foods (like vitamin C in an orange,) they take foods with no nutrition and instead spray it with nutrition. This is like taking a vitamin C pill instead of eating fruits.

With that said, what are the best dog food ingredients for your dog? Your dog needs about 75% carbohydrates, which include grains and veggies, and about 25% fats and proteins (meats.)

Your dog can eat:

Berries, Cherries (seed removed,) melons, apples, oranges, bananas

Eggs, grated cheese

Beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, deboned fish, organs such as kidney, hearts, livers, etc. And of course, large bones. (Smaller bones are dangerous, and your dog can choke on them, or they may damage his digestive system.)

Broccoli, celery, kale, okra, parsley, peas, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots. Vegetables are best boiled or blended, to make it easier for your dog to digest.

A few tips for dog feeding at home. First of all, all of your dog's food should be fed at room temperature, not cold from the fridge or hot off the stove. Do not add salt to your dog food ingredients, as the salt they have in them is enough for your dog already.

Remember to have a bowl of water for your dog. Keep the bowl clean, and change the water daily.

The Best Dog Food Ingredients
by Derek Young

Learn more about the best foods for your dog, how to boost your dog's energy, and how to extend your dog's life, at:

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*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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