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Show a Little Love with Homemade Dog Treats

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Show a Little Love with Homemade Dog Treats

*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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Show a Little Love with Homemade Dog Treats
by Pamela Swingley

Dogs aren't just pets anymore; they're part of the family! And what better way to show that you love them by baking up a batch of homemade dog treats? It's time to put on your dog-themed oven mitts, pre-heat your oven, and get ready to make your dog very, very happy!

Dog Treats Follow Trend

Today dogs sleep in our beds, ride shotgun in our cars, and come with us on vacation. As the trend to pamper our pooches grows, so does the popularity of gourmet dog treats. Owners are more concerned with what their dogs are eating, and commercial brands of dog biscuits sold in supermarkets are being replaced by healthier alternatives. Many homemade dog treats are made with all-natural, human-grade products and are healthy, nice to look at, and delicious. In addition, owners feel great when they show their love and concern by making their own dog treats; we all know the way to a dog's heart is through his stomach! Homemade dog treats are a good alternative to supermarket brands for pets who have allergies or other dietary concerns.

Show Me the Biscuit

You don't need to be an experienced baker to make your own dog treats, nor do you need fancy ingredients. Chances are, most of what you need is already in your pantry. Feel free to experiment a bit and have some fun! Mix and bake your dog treats like regular cookies, but take out the sugar and add ingredients such as vegetables, chicken or beef bouillon, or peanut butter. You'll most likely want to make your homemade dog treats a little thicker than the typical cookie, so be sure to increase the baking time. When your homemade dog treats are done, guaranteed someone you know (your dog, of course!) will be willing and eager to test them for you. Keep track of his favorites!

Not feeling overly creative? That's okay. You can still make your own homemade dog treats. There are books devoted to the subject in pet stores, gift shops, or on the internet. You can also find information and recipes on dog-related web sites, and through chat rooms and blogs devoted to man's best friend. Dog treat cookie cutters in fun shapes are also available in pet stores and online.

Everything in Moderation

Chances are your dog will go wild over his homemade dog treats, and that will make you feel great! It's hard not to spoil your dog when he's so appreciative, but keep in mind that dog treats should make up no more than 10 percent of your dog's daily diet. Also make sure to watch the fat content in your dog's treats, and stay on the safe side by sticking to lower-fat versions. If you are modifying human cookie recipes, make sure to never use chocolate, onions, raisins, grapes, or macadamia nuts in your dog treats, as these ingredients are all highly toxic to dogs.

Have fun, be creative, and remember, homemade dog treats are the perfect way to tell your dog you love him!

Show a Little Love with Homemade Dog Treats
by Pamela Swingley

Pamela Swingley is the Pet Editor for, where you can find the best dog care products, discounts on dog supplies, dog gear reviews, and news about dogs.

She also writes for,, and is the founder of

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*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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