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Dogs - Man's Best Friend

*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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Dogs - Man's Best Friend
by Keith Kingston

Dogs have been known as man's best friend for decades.  Owning a dog can be a positive, enjoyable experience for the entire family.  Keep in mind however, that the decision to own a dog is an important one that should not be taken lightly.  A dog is not just a fun diversion or entertaining gift.  Owning a dog requires a commitment from you that will last the lifetime of the dog.  The responsibilities of owning a dog and the joys of owning a dog hold an equal place of importance.  If you are considering bringing a dog into your family, here are some important considerations for you to keep in mind.

A dog is an important member of the family.  If you live in a city, you will need to devote a lot of time to walking the dog, ensuring that the dog gets plenty of exercise and fresh air, and you will most likely be taking your dog along on family excursions and trips.  If you live in a country setting, you will need to ensure the safety of your dog and protect the dog from the hazards that come from a rural setting.  Holidays and special occasions will include the dog and you may even find yourself including the dog in family portraits and gift giving occasions.

Dogs bring companionship and joy to any family.  The time and effort you spend caring for your dog will be returned to you in the form of the lifelong loyalty and friendship that you will receive from your dog.  The dog will provide you with a friend to talk to, be an entertaining companion, and can also provide a sense of security and protection for your family.  Individuals who are confined to their home or the elderly will find great joy in owning a dog and the problem of loneliness will be greatly reduced.

Because you will spend a lot of time caring for your dog in the form of walks and playtime, a dog can be a big health benefit for the owner.  You may find yourself exercising more than you ever have before, and talking to your dog is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.  Owning a dog is beneficial to you and your family and the dog will be forever loyal and grateful for the time you invest in its care.

As unlikely as it may seem, owning a dog can introduce you to new friends that last a lifetime. Walking your dog, training classes, and romps through the park are great ways to come in contact with others who share your interests and love of dogs.  You can be certain that your dog will bring you joy in your private life and introduce you to other dogs lovers as well.

Owning a dog can be equated to raising a child. You must be a responsible parent to your dog just as you would to a child. You can rest assured that being a responsible, loving dog owner will bring you many benefits, the most important of which is the trust and friendship of a pet who will love you unconditionally for its entire life.  Owning a dog is a big responsibility and can even be costly when you factor in trips to the vet, having the dog groomed, and taking care of unexpected medical expenses.  The hardships involved in dog ownership are well worth your time and money.  You will never find a more loyal, devoted friend than a dog who loves you unconditionally.

Dogs - Man's Best Friend
by Keith Kingston

Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher, offering information on dog training and dog care products and puppy names.

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*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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