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Pampering Your Dog

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Pampering Your Dog

*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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Pampering Your Dog
by Russ Richer

When people think of spoiled pooches, they often conjure up images of highly coiffed dogs with fur jackets and diamond studded collars. And while this may be a way of spoiling man's best friend, it can be expensive and a little over the top for most dog owners. So how does one go about spoiling their pet? Well, there is nothing better than pampering your dog in ways that encourages overall well being.

All Over Massage
Dogs, like humans, feel stiffness and tension in their joints and muscles. This is particularly true of older dogs or for dogs that have gone through a traumatic experience (such as an injury, illness or prolonged separation for their masters). One great way to alleviate their discomfort is to give your dog a massage. But this suggestion isn't exclusively for older or injured dogs - young dogs and puppies can greatly benefit from the relaxation and bonding that is accomplished through gentle massage

Top dog masseuses agree that the best way to give your dog a massage is when she is totally relaxed. Lay your dog on her side and stroke her until she is relaxed. Next, apply gentle pressure working from the head down to the tail and then focus on each leg. The first few times you massage your dog she may get antsy or try to squirm away from you. That's o.k. because with repeat sessions, she will get used to this new sensation. If you know of any areas on your dog's body that is giving her trouble, gently squeeze and then release the area - this will relieve pain and ease tension. If you have any worries, always consult your vet.

Massage is a wonderful way to get in some quality time with your dog. It is relaxing for both of you and makes your bond grow even stronger. Head and Neck Massage Don't have time to give your dog an all over massage? If so, just focus on his head and neck. Begin by rubbing the bony protrudence (also known as the nuchal crest - a bone that seems to have no purpose other than a starting place for a head massage) and work down the back of the head to the neck. When you get to the collar area, begin to rub and then scratch the area under the collar. After this, your dog will be putty in your hands!

Paw Care
Imagine what your feet would be like if you ran around all day every day outside and in with bare feet. Not only would they be rough and filthy, they would also be vulnerable to scratches and scrapes as well. Welcome to a dog's world. Yes, dogs have been roaming the earth for thousands of years with unprotected paws; however, they have only recently been introduced to concrete, toxic chemical residue, hot asphalt, road salt, etc. And because of these caustic elements, many dogs suffer from paw discomfort in the form of cracked pads and dry skin. The solution: a mixture of equal parts lanolin and petroleum jelly. Rubbing this into your pet's paws will not only moisturize dry skin, it also acts as a barrier cream that can be used in the winter months to protect your dog from street salt. If the paws are cracked, mix in a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. This will help heal the cracks and prevent infection. Both mixtures are 100% safe if consumed.

Pampering Your Dog
by Russ Richer

Russ Richer is a Dog Lover who has done extensive research to care for his own Dog. You can get additional information on Dog Health Care by visiting where you will find free articles, downloads, and newsletter.

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*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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