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Dog Training: When To Reprimand And When To Reward

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Dog Training: When To Reprimand And When To Reward

*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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Dog Training: When To Reprimand And When To Reward
by Amy Howells

There are a lot of things people have to remember when they start dog training. There are a lot of different dog training techniques to try.

Some of these dog training techniques work, while other dog training techniques seem to work against you. With so many different aspects of dog training, it is hard to know what techniques work the best.

One of the biggest things that often confuse people with regards to dog training is when to reward your dog and when to reprimand your dog. If you have trouble deciding when to do which, please read on.

Most dog training course instructors will tell you that positive dog training is the best technique to utilize. Unfortunately, there are some instances when you do have to reprimand your dog.

Reprimanding your dog should not happen often, as dogs respond better to positive reinforcement used in dog training. Before you learn when to reprimand your dog, you should first learn when to reward your dog.

You should reward your dog any time your dog does something it is supposed to during dog training. This can be when it sits, stays, eliminates where it should, fetches, etc.

The reward you use during your dog training can be many things: praise, kind words, tummy rub, pat on the head, or a treat.

Dogs learn very quickly from positive dog training. Dogs tend to want to make you happy and this is why they do so well with this type of dog training. However, be sure you never reward bad behavior.

Reprimanding is a type of dog training that should not be done unless necessary. This can be when your dog jumps, eliminates in the wrong place, barks, growls, pulls on a leash, destroys something, etc.

You must only reprimand your dog if you catch it in the act of doing something wrong.

Otherwise, your dog will not realize what it did. The reprimand used for this dog training should be a quick, sharp "no" or "bad dog."

Your tone should be angry, but remember to be short and quick. If you constantly do this, your words will end up being ignored by the dog. Never spank, hit, or constantly scold your dog. This will only lead to more problems in the future.

These are all of the important things you need to focus on when determining when to reprimand or reward your dog during dog training. Remember to be patient because your dog is learning and trying its best.

With some love and consideration, your dog should do quite well with its dog training.

Then it will be a rewarding experience for you both!

Dog Training: When To Reprimand And When To Reward
by Amy Howells

Amy Howells is an expert dog trainer who runs a website dedicated to teaching people how to train their dog or puppy in just 21 days. Visit for more info.

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*Please note that this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of As in all matters related to your dog, please use your better judgement.

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