103 Basset Hound Photos
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Charlie Charlie
Basset Hound
Charlie is adorable and lovable. This picture was taken when we first bought him at 8 weeks old. He is now about 4 and 1/2 months old. He loves people and unexpectedly loves to be carried around the house, but sadly, he is very heavy. He gets so excited when people give him love and attention.
Midge M.

Codey Codey
Basset Hound
Codey is like one of our children. My oldest daughter, Heather 3yrs, and him act like brother and sister. He is also very protective of our youngest; MaKayla 6 mos. I can hardly remember a time without him. We love You Codey!!!
Shanna C.

Sonny Sonny
Basset Hound
Sonny is very cute!
Eliann Blanco
Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona

Cletus Hoover aka Speedy Cletus Hoover aka Speedy
Basset Hound
Cletus Hoover aka Speedy
Cletus is 10 months old and must have been a king or a cat in a former life. He rules the home. He's smart but stubborn and his best friend is Dinky, an English Mastiff.
Shannon W.

Harley Harley
Basset Hound
This is Harley. He is 1 1/2 years old. He is the biggest baby! He loves toilet paper, trash and his rope toy. He is spoiled rotten. He absolutely loves people!
Emily E.

Charlie Charlie
Basset Hound
Charlie is a sweet, big baby who loves getting into mischief and such. He is the sweetest dog you will ever meet. He doesn't bark, bite, and he is friendly to everyone. He is a 1 year old, and he loves playing with his Yorkie pal.
Jaclyn M.

Koki Koki
Basset Hound
She's so cute! She's a pure breed Basset Hound "BUT" she looks alot more like a Dutch Hound... ahehehe
John Rubi
Philippines Philippines

Rocky Rocky
Basset Hound
Rocky was born in November, 2003. He loves toilet paper, the garbage, shoes and underwear of any kind! Besides us, he lives with our two terriers, Sunny, a 14 year old Cairn and Mitch, an 11 year old Westie. Needless to say, they do not understand his Basset Hound ways. Rocky is so funny and full of mischief, you just can't help but love him. He also LOVES having his picture taken.
Jeanne K.

Sooner Sooner
Basset Hound
Sooner is 3 months old and loves to play with his toys.
Greg H.

Barney Barney
Basset Hound
Barney is a kind and loving dog who is always cheering you up when you are sad. He lives with chip (see Dachshund section) and a mongrel called Amy. He is also a bit on the podgy side.
Sam Johnson
England England

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