181 Bulldog Photos
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Bulldog Love Bulldog Love
Bulldog Love
Diesel and Spicey. Diesel likes to hang....he is just a very lazy Bulldog. Spicey is our new little girl.
Mojo's Bulldogs
Netherlands Netherlands

JoJo JoJo
JoJo is our baby. He gets ice cubes and cold water on his walks. The air conditioning is always on inside the house and in the car on long and short trips. He is the most spoiled and loved dog I have ever had. When we're gone we have doggie-sitters watch him and of course we always leave an emergency number in case he needs us. Bulldogs are great companions and they really do leave footprints on your hearts.
A. B.
California, USA California, USA

Trinity and Aries Trinity and Aries
Trinity and Aries
My American Bulldog Trinity is 3 and a half months old. My Staff Terrier Aries is 8 weeks old.
Karl R.

Tyra Tyra
Tyra is the first dog leading to my dream, I hope to be a professional breeder someday. Tyra is 3 weeks old and is already boss.
Vicky Butler
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Emma Emma
Emma is a gorgeous 6 year old American Bulldog that has brought so much happiness and joy into my life. The bond these dogs are able to make with their owner is just amazing.
Allyson Collins

Blue Blue
Blue is a 14 week old Pie Bald Bulldog and has one blue eye which he has had an operation on for cherry-eye at 12 weeks old. He suffers from heart murmur which I really hope will repair itself as he has been through a lot in his little life already.
Kirsty Hall

Fan on the Bulldog Fan on the Bulldog
Fan on the Bulldog
One of the cutest things Daisy II does is to walk up to a portable fan and bark at it as if to turn it on. We should rig it up with a bark-sensitive electronic starter! After she "asked" for the fan to be on, I responded to her wishes -- then shot the attached pic. When it is even the LEAST bit warm outside, Daisy likes to step inside occasionally and cool off. She also likes to lie down in front of the fan and sleep for hours.
Robert E. Friend
Illinois, USA Illinois, USA

Daisy II Daisy II
Daisy II
My wife had thought about adopting a Pug from a rescue agency, but none were available. So she found a Bulldog site, one thing led to another, and we adopted "Daisy II" in March '03. (My dear departed Beagle had also been named "Daisy," now referred to as "Daisy I.") This Bulldog loves to "pretend-growl" while playing tug-o'-war. She's a lot of fun!
Robert E. Friend
Illinois, USA Illinois, USA

Grumpy Grumpy
A 3 month old male Bulldog.
Amro Khamis
Egypt Egypt

Tank Tank
Tank in his New Year's tux, posing as usual.
D. T.
Oklahoma, USA Oklahoma, USA

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