90 Pekingese Photos
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Xavey Xavey
My sister got Xavey last April and somehow he has ended up with my parents and myself. We never knew that a dog could bring so much love and joy into our lives, we adore Xavey.
Erika H

Bosley Bosley
Bosley is the best friend I could possibly have. My husband and I were married June of 2004, and Bosley was my wedding present from him. He is just like having a child. My husband couldn't have got me anything better!
Angie Evans

Tommie Tucker - The Rug Rat Tommie Tucker - The Rug Rat
Tommie Tucker - The Rug Rat
Tommie came to live with us when he was a year old. Now he is two. My huband's sister was moving and asked if we wanted Tommie. I worried 'cus we had two Saint Bernards and wondered how they would feel about him. Bubsey Annie, our female Saint, love him. They go outside together, sleep together, and play constantly together. They are worse than two little kids playing. He has kept Annie young, making her move instead of always sleeping. Annie has her sofa and Tommie had his overstuffed chair in the family room. Right now they are both sleeping. Tommie has been a wonderful addition to our family!
Cathy Sandy
South Dakota, USA South Dakota, USA

Casper Casper
He is the most amazing Pekingese ever! Casper is very loyal he will never leave my side! Sometimes he would try to sneak his way in the car on my way to school just so he could be with me. He will only listen to my commands and is extremely obedient. He was 3 months old when I got him. I was 7 years old. Every year Casper learns up to 4 new tricks. Now he's 5 years old and know about 25 tricks. Yes I did train him on my own. I had no help on trainers or dog books, I simply always knew what to do and how to do it. I did get a Golden Retrievr when I was 3 and that training helped me out with Casper. Sadly Chiquita the Golden Retriever passed away this year in February, 2005. Casper has been on newspapers and birthday partys to perform shows. His best trick is saying "I love you" and 4 more other words in english. He also knows some spanish words since he is from Peru. He can also identify his colors in Spanish. Some of Casper's other tricks are doing math, jumping, praying and doing pattycake. The rest are too much to list but it's true he is a very intelligent dog. Casper is very famous in my school since he won talent shows there. Every time I'm sad he was always there to cuddle up with me and make me feel better. When anyone pretends to push me or whatever he would protect me and start barking at them. I have a command to call him back when he does bark at them and he obeys it. He would come back and sit next to me. If someone is bugging me then I tell Casper GetEm! and he would simply bark at them. It's pretty cute, actually we all laugh after that since he is such a good gaurd dog. He loves to play with other dogs and is well known in my neighborhood. He is me BEST FRIEND EVER!
Karina Alfaro

Casper Casper
He is the smartest Pekingese you will ever see! He is from Lima, Peru and has been in our family since he was 2 months old.
Karina Alfaro

Casper Casper
My dog Casper is an amazingly smart dog! He knows over 20 tricks including 4 english words. He also knows math and is very energetic. He will soon be performing on PetStar on animal planet.
Karina Alfaro

Honey Honey
This is our little Honey. She is like our kid. We take her everywhere and buy her everything a doggie could ever want. She is the smartest, most spoiled rotten Pekingese ever and we love her dearly! She was very undersized when she was born, and very sick. We fed her by hand and took turns staying up with her to make sure she wasn't lonely. She is very attached to us as we are to her. She is our special little miracle puppy.
Misty and Anthony C
Missouri, USA Missouri, USA

Pookie Pookie
The most....dog ever.
Catalin Nastase
Romania Romania

Kodabear Kodabear
My little Kodabear is the nicest, cutest and smartest dog. He's just part of the family.

Missy Missy
This is Missy, she is 1 year old now. She loves putting on a shirt because that means she is going out with me. She loves eating, belly rubbing and playing.
Mine Erdilek
Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey

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