250 German Shepherd Dog Photos
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Empress Grace Empress Grace
German Shepherd Dog
Empress Grace
Hello, my name is Grace. I am a very curious, frisbee and football loving, one-year old German Shepherd. I love to swim in the fish pond next to our house. My best friend is Zoe (see the mixed breed section). I also love to "talk" to anyone who will listen.
Scott and Jenny Disney

Ace Ace
German Shepherd Dog
This is Ace at 6 months old. 65 pounds already! He is a great watch dog too. Very alert and ready for anything. Wonderful with our 3 boys and our cat. We hope to have him in our lives many many years!
Jeana Monlux

Popy Popy
German Shepherd Dog
He is a very spoiled dog, he likes to play soccer, and he also loves to play with kids.
Nereida Rincon

Xiao Xiong's Appeal Xiao Xiong's Appeal
German Shepherd Dog
Xiao Xiong's Appeal
Xiao Xiong is our good friend's watchdog. He welcomes any stranger in his coffee shop. He looks intimidating though, but he is a real friendly dog. As a matter of fact, business in the shop is good even with his intimidating size.
Ma Ling
China China

Zulu vom Eichenluft Zulu vom Eichenluft
German Shepherd Dog
Zulu vom Eichenluft
Zulu is a 14 week old pure Black German Shepherd Dog. He shows great drive & spirit already. Both his parents are schutzhund3 dogs. Hopefully he will be also. He loves to walk and swim and pal around with sissy mean-n-nasty our Min Pin (see her picture also under Min Pin).
Kibry W

Duke Duke
German Shepherd Dog
He's a playful boy that loves to pose for the camera.
Ashley B

Kye Kye
German Shepherd Dog
My dog is a rescue dog and only 18 months old. Unfortunately not of his own doing, he was in kennels for 11 months before I was the very fortunate one to become his owner. I've had him 6 weeks and he has a few problems, but is giving me and my children many hours of fun and walking. It is amazing how quickly we can come to love him so much. I want to share him with other dog lovers.
Debbie Chudleigh
England England

Kelly Kelly
German Shepherd Dog
Kelly is very cute and hates to get picked up. Whenever she gets picked up she holds her legs out and looks like she is saying "I'm gonna bite yo now"! She is also a Pure-Breed Mutt. If you know what I mean ; )
Claudia Hall
Arkansas, USA Arkansas, USA

Major Major
German Shepherd Dog
Not Forgotten
Major passed away in October of 2004. He was a K-9 drop out. He was caring and loving. When I felt sad he knew it and came to keep me company. If I was sick he helped me get around. I miss him ever so much. This picture was the last I got of him.
Taylor Walczak

Cesar Cesar
German Shepherd Dog
This is Cesar who was born on November 27th, 2004. He is my best friend! Here he is on our couch. My dad got mad at me when I showed him this picture. Cesar isn't actually allowed on the couch. My mistake...
Taylor Walczak

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