250 German Shepherd Dog Photos
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Tanc And Dozer Tanc And Dozer
German Shepherd Dog
Tanc And Dozer
Brother and sister. They love each other.
Tam Peters
Usa Usa

Charlie T-Bone Charlie T-Bone
German Shepherd Dog
Charlie T-Bone
Charlie T-bone is a 2 year old German Shepherd. He was a Christmas Present. He loves his 2 sister cats Geenie & Miss. Kitty & his brother parrot Billy. He loves running with us near the river, car rides, playing & pot roast. Everyone loves Charlie.
Sheela Collins
Georgia, Usa Georgia, Usa

Franki Franki
German Shepherd Dog
Franki is 8 months old in this photo. I saw a picture of his father and thought it was a grizzly bear! I'm sure he'll get alot bigger which means there will be more of him to love. He loves to play and socialize and keeps a watchful eye on us and the kids at all times. We're blessed to have him in our lives!
Kevin Newton
Usa Usa

Shizzelle Shizzelle
German Shepherd Dog
She is one years old we have had her since she was 8 weeks, at the moment she is a little bit naughty then normal because she is becoming an adult and wants to be boss...but can't.
Amy Job
Australia Australia

Duchess Duchess
German Shepherd Dog
Duchess is a sweet companion and loves to come in the house!
Duchess Duchess
Tennessee Tennessee

Harley Harley
German Shepherd Dog
Harley is now 1 year old-still very rambunctious!! He did okay with obedience training, but we would like to get him trained in search and rescue because he has a knack for finding lost things! We also think he would make a good "drug" sniffer, he always has his nose to the ground and he's always smelling places!! He is a great house dog! Well mannered and to all of you who keep your dogs tied up all day, shame on you! These dogs aren't meant to be tied up-it makes them very aggressive, they need lots of exercise!
Robin Murray
Usa Usa

Sadie Sadie
German Shepherd Dog
Sadie is a beautiful, sweet GSD, we think about 2 years old, that we got from the German Shepherd Rescue of central Alabama. She is a highly intelligent lady and learns fast! It didn't take her long to figure out how to get into the food container! Yep, she can peel the top right off! She gets along well with our one year old shepherd male! We are just happy to be able to share our home and our love with this wonderful dog & companion!
Robin Murray
Usa Usa

Charlie T Bone Charlie T Bone
German Shepherd Dog
Charlie T Bone
Meet Charlie T Bone. He's 2 years old. He is so good natured & loves everybody. Charlie gets along with our 2 cats & our parrot.
Sheela Collins
Georgia, Usa Georgia, Usa

Charlie T Bone Charlie T Bone
German Shepherd Dog
Charlie T Bone
Our adorable German Shepherd, Charlie T Bone. He is just too adorable.
Sheela Collins
Georgia, Usa Georgia, Usa

Cid Vom Shooting Star - 1St. Place Obedience Trial Cid Vom Shooting Star - 1St. Place Obedience Trial
German Shepherd Dog
Not Forgotten
Cid Vom Shooting Star - 1St. Place Obedience Trial
Cid was a pure bred GSD import. He was my Police K-9. He loved to work and adored kids. He was unfortunately bitten by a snake and died the same day. He is waiting on Dad at Rainbow Bridge. Deputy, Allen Simpson.
Allen Simpson
United States United States

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