237 Rottweiler Photos
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Monna Monna
This is my beautiful baby. She is 5 months in this pic, and still as cute as a baby. I don't think that I loved anyone as much as I love her, and I think that she feels the same way. Her pedigree is amazing, as you can see in the pic.
Milosh Trifunovic
Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro

Fellon Fellon
This is my baby, his name is Fellon. He is a sweetheart and would never let anything happen to me. He loves me to death and he is the best dog in the world. I will always love him. He is just 2 years old and is so cute.
Lizzie VanZile

Diesel Diesel
We rescued little Diesel just before he was about to be put down for hip dysplasia. The first day we had him we took him straight to the vet, and happily found out that his little body was growing too fast and he had growing pains. He's a little ham at only 8 months of age. He loves to pose for pictures and refuses to sleep on the floor alone, so he and my other Rotty Rammy have each got a side of my bed with little me stuck between the 2 giants!!!
Lindsey Innes
Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada

Kalle Kalle
We got our baby when he was 10 weeks old and didn't know what we were getting into. But he is our only "child". He acts just like a big baby. Likes to be held and cuddled. We named him Kalle which means the streets. He's crazy loud and never sleeps.
Juan-N-Shauna Toledano

Logan (Pic #1) Logan (Pic #1)
Logan (Pic #1)
This is our angel Logan.. He is the sweetest most good natured pup you'll ever meet.. He is our world and we try to give him the best of everything.. in an effort to repay him for the pure joy he has brought to our lives.. he's our protector our best friend and my confidant.. we love you Logan!!
Janet Reno
West Virginia, USA West Virginia, USA

Logan (Pic #2) Logan (Pic #2)
Logan (Pic #2)
This is our angel Logan.. He is the sweetest most good natured pup you'll ever meet.. He is our world and we try to give him the best of everything.. in an effort to repay him for the pure joy he has brought to our lives.. he's our protector our best friend and my confidant.. we love you Logan!!
Janet Reno
West Virginia, USA West Virginia, USA

Nala Nala
This is Nala our 2 year old female Rottie enjoying some time in her backyard, playing in the dirt. As you can tell she likes to pose for the camera.
Tanya W.
Detroit, Michigan USA Detroit, Michigan USA

Conan Conan
Not Forgotten
Conan was my dearest and best friend, we had a real soul connection, he was my shadow on a cloudy day. Every day he would do something to make me laugh. He was truly my guardian angel. He blessed me so when I had him bred to a beautiful female Rottie, I got the first pick of the litter. This cute little pup came crawling to me, I knew he was the one. Conan and his pup had two good years together, and there is so much of Conan in his son Magick. Conan died 7/7/02, of bone cancer. Thank You Conan for your great love, friendship, & for your son Magick who is lovable, playful, & so much like you. I miss & Love You...
Cynthia Moore

Bruce Bruce
This is Bruce of Wivenhoe Essex he is 2 years old and acts it. He is a great guard dog and lover of humans. He is a true companion that loves the outdoors and the rabbits as he constantly disappears for a hour or two. He says a big hello to everyone.
Neil Rawlings
British British

Savage Savage
Savage is 10 yrs. old and acts 5. When I got him 5 yrs ago no one could get near him, he wasn't friendly at all, now he's the sweetest dog in the world, and so spoiled. I love him so much, I couldn't ask for a better dog! He and my 5 yr. old are the best of friends.
Renie Lizotte

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