237 Rottweiler Photos
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Olga Olga
Olga is 18 months. She's a great girl and loves the snow. Olga is a wonderful addition to our family.
Staphanie Fulkerson

Olga Olga
Olga the Rottie puppy just laying around.
Stephanie Fulkerson

Olga & Whitney Olga & Whitney
Olga & Whitney
Olga is the Rottie puppy and Whitney is the English Pointer just laying around.
Stephanie Fulkerson

Bullet Bullet
This is Bullet. We adopted him 1 week after losing our beloved Neely. He has been a joy and a lifesaver to us. He is now a big brother to our new rescue Daisy. Life without these dogs would be lonely.
Gail Gallant
Nova Scotia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada

Daisy Daisy
Daisy is a rescue. She was only 45lbs at 3 yrs old when we drove 6 hrs to get her. She is now a healthy beautiful 85lbs. While having no manners or training when we got her...she is now a well trained and spoiled little lady. A pure joy to have. We love you Daisy.
Gail Gallant
Nova Scotia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada

Neely Neely
Not Forgotten
Neely was our first Rotty. We fell in love. At 165lbs she was the true picture of a gentle giant. Sadly just after her 9th birthday we lost our heart due to bone cancer on July 13/2001. Pictured here with my daughter, she was our friend and protector. For the love of our house hippo we had to let her go.
Gail Gallant
Nova Scotia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada

Maximus Maximus
This is Maximus. He's a 165 pound lap dog. He loves to play and romp, and he's a big fan of the Tusculum Pioneers. He could even be their line backer. He's 28 months old and we love him dearly.
Cotton Family
Cincinnati, Ohio USA Cincinnati, Ohio USA

Sisterly Love Sisterly Love
Sisterly Love
This is Sissy and her sister Ally. These two are best friends! Both loyal friends to their families!
Valerie Roy
Canada Canada

Bear & Puck Bear & Puck
Bear & Puck
Bear is 5 months and is a great dog, puck is about a 1 year old, a Lab mix I got from the pound. He is extremely smart and has helped me training bear. Puck has a 54" standing vertical jump!
Chris Rogers
Michigan, USA Michigan, USA

Alara Alara
Alara is 110lbs of affection. She is 1 yr old and the sweetest dog I know. Her love for children shows through her fast twitching stump. Her best friend is a 3 yr old boy who lives across the road. They enjoy playing hide and go seek and cuddling on the grass. She is my first Rotti and I now know I will never own another breed.
Marcy F.
Canada Canada

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