237 Rottweiler Photos
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Willie Willie
This is "Mr Willie Nelson Tyrrell The First". We got him at 12 weeks after losing our beloved Reba! He is an absolute love bug and wants to be on you any way he can. After a week, he came down with Parvo (we rescued him) and had to spend a week in the hospital. Now, he is fine and running around like he should be. PS I think he is going to be a big Couch Potato!
Gail Tyrrell

Cleo Cleo
Cleo 1989-2004. Ass kickin junkyard Rotti. Odin's sister died of natural causes at 15!
Tom C.
New Jersey, USA New Jersey, USA

Rico Rico
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I got Rico when he was 8 weeks old. He was my heart-dog, my companion, my soul mate, and I love him with all my heart. He loved all his squeaky toys and he always had a cookie hanging out of his mouth. He thought he was a lap dog at 130 lbs and slept in bed with me. On April 1, 2003 he was diagnosed with cancer on his Thyroid Gland. On November 16, 2003 he was also diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his right shoulder. He went to doggie heaven on April 1, 2004. He was 8 ½ years old. I miss you Rico, and not a day goes by that I don't think of you.
Cindy Mullins

Miles Miles
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Miles was a rescue. His soul mate is Mandy. He was the most loving boy and he taught so many the true meaning of love and hope. He is missed by many, some who never even had the pleasure of meeting him in person. He is the epitome of a great dog and friend. He lost his valiant fight with Osteosarcoma on April 15, 2004. We miss you sweet angel Miles, fly free.
Sue, Jim, Mandy & family
Chicago, USA Chicago, USA

Odin (1996-2004) Odin (1996-2004)
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Odin (1996-2004)
This is Odin. He had to be put down due to cancer on 5/14/04.
Tom C.
New Jersey, USA New Jersey, USA

Mufausa Mufausa
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Mufausa was more than a companion, he was the best friend I could have ever hoped for. He was 8 years old when he went to the Rainbow Bridge on July 8, 2003. He will live in my heart forever. I miss him so much each and everyday. Eight years just wasn't long enough to have him in my life, we had so much more to do together.
Brenda Sanger
Dallas, USA Dallas, USA

Megan Megan
This is my baby Megan she is 8 months old.
T. L.
Canada Canada

Sam Sam
14 week old, adopted through MARR.
Eva G.

Chivas Chivas
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Chivas was the most wonderful girl in the world. She loved to watch TV and thought going for rides in the car equaled nothing. She taught me that love is forever. Osteosarcoma took her body from me but not her soul, she still lives on. She is truly my best friend and I miss her forever. Chivas 11/15/1991 - 08/29/2002 Best Friend Forever
Kim Doss
Norfolk, VA. USA Norfolk, VA. USA

Apollo Apollo
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Apollo loved a bath! He was almost 8 yrs old here. He was more to me than any best friend. He weighed 130 lbs and was taller than I when we sat on the floor side by side. Apollo went to the Rainbow Bridge on July 19, 2003, just after his 8th birthday. He had Osteosarcoma. Forever a part of my heart and soul.
D. S.
Myrtle Beach, USA Myrtle Beach, USA

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