322 Labrador Retriever Photos
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Tesa May Tesa May
Labrador Retriever
Tesa May
Tesa is a very special dog to me she is like a get over it dog see i had a boxer named scooby and he passed away on my mom and dads aniversery on june 11 2006 and tesa will never be the same but i dont if i will ever be able to find a dog like her but i hope that she will live a happy life before she goes above. but she loves to ride the four wheeler and to swim in the river she is 2 1/2 years old I <3 U Tesa
Courtney Mo
North Carolina North Carolina

Tesa May Tesa May
Labrador Retriever
Tesa May
tesa is a angel she loves to swim and ride on the four wheelers she has never been agressive to anybody and has never tried. her favorite toy is a remington fetch toy and i love her sooo much and i hope that she will live til the day i rise above.
Coutney Lab Gurl 123
North Carolina North Carolina

Labby Labby
Labrador Retriever
Labby is a wonderful dog full of energy and love! :)
Sara Ames
Petersburg,VA Petersburg,VA

Pluto Pluto
Labrador Retriever
Pluto is 1 yr old now. He loves to chase the cats especially when his lunch time is disturbed. Very agile, he has saved our house from a notorious thief recently. Inside the house, he is a very sweetest-pie, while outside the best guardian he's indeed a priceless possession in my life.
Arun Chandrashekar
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Mason Mason
Labrador Retriever
Will you please stop taking pictures mom, so I can take a nap now?
Mandy Warnke

Draco Draco
Labrador Retriever
Makes me smile everyday.

Draco Draco
Labrador Retriever
Funny, Smart, Loving and Loyal, what more could anyone ask for?

Chacha Chacha
Labrador Retriever
Naughty but sweet, lovable and responsible.
Jeanette Cababan
Batangas Philippines Batangas Philippines

Dixie Dixie
Labrador Retriever
Dixie is a sweet, wonderful dog. I love her so much. She is the best dog EVER!
Chyene Smith
Zuni, Virginia Zuni, Virginia

Anna Anna
Labrador Retriever
anna was rescued 7 years ago and is the joy of our life!
Lablover55 Garver

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