152 Philippines Dog Photos
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Dian-dian Dian-dian
Dian-dian is one of my best friends among other pets. He is just a unique dog because he is very smart. He is only 1.9 kg. and will turn two years old this year.
Noriko DJ
Philippines Philippines

Aoi Aoi
German Shepherd Dog
Aoi is a 1 year old German Shepherd who loves to play hide and seek in the yard with cats.
Mary Anne Pineda
Philippines Philippines

As-Kal As-Kal
Mixed Breed
Az-Kal is a special dog. He is the only one out of five puppies who survived when their mother gave birth to them. The name "Az-Kal" came from the words which means "Dog of the Road". He loves to walk around the road with me almost every Saturday in the morning. He may not be cute or attractive to other female dogs but when he smells their butt, I'm sure they can't resist him.
Brian Gutierrez
Philippines Philippines

Mokyo Mokyo
Shih Tzu
6 month old, color is red, black & white.... he's so adorable and very friendly to all.
Jane A.D.
Philippines Philippines

Brandy Brandy
Mixed Breed
My dog's name is Brandy... her breed is mixed but she is more like a Golden Retriever.. she's very playful and sweet..and her favorite food..cotton candy.
Jonah S.J.
Laguna, Philippines Laguna, Philippines

Big Apple Big Apple
Labrador Retriever
Big Apple
Intelligent and obedient dog. A good and loyal companion.
Joey Devela
Philippines Philippines

Koki Koki
Basset Hound
She's so cute! She's a pure breed Basset Hound "BUT" she looks alot more like a Dutch Hound... ahehehe
John Rubi
Philippines Philippines

Joey Joey
Golden Retriever
Joey is cute, smart & naughty but a well trained puppy. He's only 7 months but already can retrieve. He likes taking a bath and taking his vitamins. He also comes with me every morning to jug. He's so nice to the kids he's playing with. For me, he's the cutest Golden Retriever there is here in our country.
RV Gutierrez
Philippines Philippines

Lucy the Boxer Lucy the Boxer
Lucy the Boxer
Lucy is a very active and playful Boxer. this is the only time you can see her in a stable position.
Justin Dunn
Philippines Philippines

Kiara Kiara
Belgian Malinois
A cute 3 month old girl pup.
Jay Kiz
Philippines Philippines

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