322 Labrador Retriever Photos
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Scout Scout
Labrador Retriever
Scout is soo sweet. She is a VERY good gun dog and she is only one year old. She also loves to swim... and took a dip in the Kenai River chasing a salmon. Scout loves pepole and kids. She has tried to lead me away from a moose, but I did not see it. She's chasing a rabbit and I was running behind here when she came back, whined and looked at me with her big brown eyes. She took one step to our backyard. I kept going. She hung her head and followed me. I saw the moose and ran back to the house. She once got a fishook in her lip, we got it out with pliers. She hurt her paw and was limping when she jumped off the riverbank and got her foot caught in something. In the house she is mellow. She can heel, sit, stay, shake, play dead, wave, lay, army crawl, and she loves to give hugs. She is the best friend ever.
Sarah McLeod
Alaska, USA Alaska, USA

Lily Lily
Labrador Retriever
My little puppy Lily is very friendly and loves people. As you can see very cute.
Connor Jost

Rocko Rocko
Labrador Retriever
He is very active, and very very fun to have in the hosue. He is the best dog. He is only 8 months.
Jessica Bridges
Colombia Colombia

Wasabi Wasabi
Labrador Retriever
Wasabi was shot several times by our old neighbours with paintball and pellet guns which required her to have an operation. The picture shows her completely healed afterwards and happy in our new house. Although she is heathly now the damage has been done causing her to be extremely shy.
Canada Canada

Maggie Mae Maggie Mae
Labrador Retriever
Maggie Mae
Maggie is a calm yet happy puppy. I got to know her only a few days, but I love her lotz and also miss her. She now lives with my best friend's brother. Maggie is so so cute!
Catie Erickson

Harold and Claire Harold and Claire
Labrador Retriever
Harold and Claire
This is a picture of Harold & Claire at 6 weeks, they are over 1 year old now, and enjoy each others company very much. They love to swim in the ocean, and play tag in the yard, they are both very strong powerful dogs, also gentle & loving.
Paula Silva

Honey Honey
Labrador Retriever
She's cute and loves to play. Has a fetish with slippers.
Jeanie Alvin

Bosco and Chester Bosco and Chester
Labrador Retriever
Bosco and Chester
Our boys Bosco (white/yellow lab) and Chester (black lab) are the best dogs a family could have. They are still young so there can be some trying times and chewed socks, but over all a great joy to have. The love is endless.
Kari Calver
Canada Canada

Hobbes Hobbes
Labrador Retriever
Hobbes is a bundle of joy for the entire family. He welcomes everyone into the house with immense enthusiasm, is very naughty and is more a pampered son than a pet. Life without him around is unimaginable. When he came into our lives he was the ray of sunshine we craved...he is the apple of our eyes.
Mimi C
India India

Riley Riley
Labrador Retriever
This is Riley, a huge Yellow Lab that is very friendly. I took this while we were camping in the Merritt area. He carries his food dish everywhere!
J Schmidt
British Columbia, Canada British Columbia, Canada

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