322 Labrador Retriever Photos
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Lorenzo Lorenzo
Labrador Retriever
Our dog is called Lorenzo. He is very cute. He is 2 and a half years old. We adopted him as a little baby, just 1 and a half month old, and he was very sick. Everybody loves him and we miss him very much, because now we live in another country. Anyway, he is our baby and we love him so very much.
Colombia Colombia

Kyra Kyra
Labrador Retriever
My dog Kyra is a female Black Labrador Retriever. She's 2 years-old and right now she's pregnant. We're expecting her puppies on September 3-5. I'm so nervous because it's her first delivery, but I hope everything will be alright.
Helmuth Torres
Sincelejo, Colombia Sincelejo, Colombia

Chiefy Chiefy
Labrador Retriever
Chiefy, the baby of my family, was born on March 12, 2004, and she was the best surprise I've ever recieved! Wonder why in the world we named a girl that? Simply, because our mutt in Africa had that name. We kept calling her "him", and so we decided to help our memory with this trick: she's a fille (girl in French):thus pronunced like Sheefy! Our adorable little sandy-colored friend is a pig, when it comes to food! She practically chokes while gobbling it down. The first time Chief went swimming, all those splashes must have been something new, because she bit at them fiercely; however, she never wanted to leave the water! She's the most playful, loving dog that I've seen so far. Long live Chiefy!
Rachel Baker
France France

Baru Baru
Labrador Retriever
Baru is a dog with an incredible personality. He loves to play with his ball and hates when you don't put his bed on time.
Colombia Colombia

Buddy Buddy
Labrador Retriever
The Biggest goof ball in the world.
Adella P
Brazil Brazil

Houston Houston
Labrador Retriever
This is our boy Houston. He is known as the "Gentle Giant" and best pal to his family and friends. His Dad calls him "the best puppy in the whole world". He hands out kisses to anyone who would like some from him. His favorite spot is looking out the window and keeping track of the neighborhood. He could be waiting for you to come and visit him too!

Bosco and Chester Bosco and Chester
Labrador Retriever
Bosco and Chester
Bosco (yellow) and Chester (black) come from the same breeder and totally love each other. They are about 6 months apart in age, both under 2 years. They play rough, run hard and at the end of the day they snuggle together. Our 3 year old daughter just adores them. I could not imagine our lives without them. So much energy and fun. We love our labs! The Calver Family, Canada.
Kari Calver
Canada Canada

Ivy Ivy
Labrador Retriever
Ivy is our 8 year old Yellow Lab. We got her when she was one and she loves to run on our 4 acres and swim in her pond. Chasing baseballs and the kids on the ATV are heaven to her. She is sooo loving but a little jealous of our 2 year old Shih Tzu. Can't imagine life without her.
Tina Sherer

Bailey Bailey
Labrador Retriever
Bailey loves to pose for the camera! She was especially happy because she got to experience her first snowfall with more than 2 inches accumulation. She is a beautiful dog with an endless amount of personality.
Alison Shank

Cadair Cadair
Labrador Retriever
Not Forgotten
Cadair is a Chocolate Brown Labrador. He is 4 months old and do we know we have got him! Cheeky, Playful & Independent! Everyone that meets him falls for his GREEN EYES! They must be hypnotic!
Sally Goulthorp
United Kingdom United Kingdom

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