201 Golden Retriever Photos
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Taffy Taffy
Golden Retriever
Taffy is a very fiesty male golden retriever puppy. He loves people and pulls on the leash to go to peoples houses when we go on walks even if we have never been there before. He is very friendly with other dogs and plays every day with his doggie friend Micah. Micah is a very loving Norwegian Elk Hound. Taffy loves playing with her and hates to leave.
Hannah Faidley
United States United States

Zoey Zoey
Golden Retriever
Zoey is 8 months old and loves to go to the beach. She won't swim in the ocean but likes to bark at it. She digs in the sand and sunbathes. Her favorite toy's are a plastic orange juice bottle, and an xtra large tennis ball named Wilson.
Shannon Anderson

Crue Klymber Crue Klymber
Golden Retriever
Crue Klymber
This is our new puppy - Crue. We are very happy to have a new puppy in the home. We had to put down our last Golden, GinFizz. She was a great dog, 13 yrs old.
Christina G.

Zack Zack
Golden Retriever
Zack is my 8 year old Golden Retriever. As you can see, he is capable of total relaxation. Nothing better for him than to lay on the love seat, get comfy and take in some sunshine. Zack is my "angel" because he is just so calming and helped me get over losing my first golden retriever when he died. He literally is my "Heart of Gold."
Carol G

Golden Retriever
Chase is my 3 year old golden retriever otherwise known as my "Wild Child." This pix shows him relaxing after playtime and taking over my love seat. As you can see, Chase has no worries in life.
Carol G

Mac and Tammy Mac and Tammy
Golden Retriever
Mac and Tammy
Mac and Tammy are the most loveabe dogs ever well how can you resist there gorgeous faces. Mac is 15 coming onto 16 and Tammy is 7 (white retriever), they love each other so much and give each other kisses and they give me cuddles.
Julie Harding
British British

Monty Monty
Golden Retriever
This is Monty my 8 year old Golden he is nearly 70 pounds. A big gentle giant. I love him so much. He is sooooooooo beautiful I love him.
Sam Saunders
Spain Spain

Moses Moses
Golden Retriever
Not Forgotten
Moses was a gentle giant and the sweetest dog on earth, wishing only to please. His life was cut short by cancer.
Tee S

Melanie Melanie
Golden Retriever
This is my Golden Retriever "Melanie". She's very friendly, lovely, funny and a special dog! What she likes the most is playing in the park, after her ball.
Liliane Luongo
Brazil Brazil

Cheyenne Cheyenne
Golden Retriever
This was a picture of her pheasant hunt she went on. She loves to hunt.
Jerry R.

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