201 Golden Retriever Photos
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Rudá Rudá
Golden Retriever
Rudá is the most beautiful dog in our city (we think he this). 5 years old and he loves swimming in the swiming pool or on the beach. He's friendly and we love him too much. Here he's using a Carnaval fantasy.
Carmen Eliza Pinheiro Luiz Alberto Amaral Pinheiro
Santos - SP Santos - SP

Molly Molly
Golden Retriever
Molly is a wonderful Dog, she is 5 years old now, I have had her since she was 7 weeks. She was found on the side of the road, had Parvo which she fully recovered from. I am so lucky to have her. "Happiness is being owned by my Golden Retriever"
Kay Lewanick
Austin Texas Austin Texas

Brady Brady
Golden Retriever
Brady loves to run and sleep and eat he is 4
Ems Ems
Mass. Mass.

Duchess Duchess
Golden Retriever
Not Forgotten
My dog is a girl she is sweet and kind
Lolo Hope
state state

Ajax Ajax
Golden Retriever
Ajax is 4 years old, loves to play ball and roll in the grass. He is an Animal Assisted Therapy Volunteer at his local hospital system.
Judy Tapscott
Keller, Texas Keller, Texas

Nemo Nemo
Golden Retriever
Nemo is 5 years old, loves to fish and is an Animal Assisted Therapy Volunteer at his local hospital.
Judy Tapscott
Keller, Texas Keller, Texas

Bella and Jade Bella and Jade
Golden Retriever
Bella and Jade
This is Bella the Cocker, meeting Jade the Golden for the first time.
F Grillo
Colorado Colorado

Calvin Calvin
Golden Retriever
Calvin seeing snow for the first time after moving to Colorado from Florida
F Grillo
Colorado Colorado

Luigi And Annie Luigi And Annie
Golden Retriever
Luigi And Annie
This is louie (right) and annabelle (left) he is 2 and she is 5. Playing tug of war.
Rene Vanotteren

Max Max
Golden Retriever
Max is 5 year old dog. He loves to tackle with my other dog. We adopted him from the animal shelter around our area
Caroline Hall
Kalamazoo, MI Kalamazoo, MI

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