201 Golden Retriever Photos
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Melanie Melanie
Golden Retriever
Sorry, the writeup has been removed because it is not in English.
Liliane Luongo
Brasil Brasil

Max all dressed up. Max all dressed up.
Golden Retriever
Max all dressed up.
Max is a therapy dog and when he was 2 1/2 years his owner was in a car and was trained to be her service dog, he braces his owner when she gets dizzy and unstable. His owner has fallen a couple of times and Max will stay with her until she gets up. He helps re-orientate herself after she has a vertigo spell.
S Pearce
United States United States

Daisy Daisy
Golden Retriever
She is so playful, so this is a very wise picture of her.
Amanda Clark

Charlie Charlie
Golden Retriever
Charlie is a 5 month old babyyy. He is unique with his auburn red coat. Charlie enjoys laying around the house, chewing on things, barking for no reason and having tons of fun with his mommy and daddy! Charlie is very spoiled and loves to get attention. Charlie would be absolutely excited to meet everyone he could meet!
Adam Talmage

Chyanne Chyanne
Golden Retriever
Chyanne (age 10) was a very sweet loving dog. She was very loyal. It's already been a year since we had her and we miss and love her very much.
Jennifer Price

Charlie Charlie
Golden Retriever
Charlie is 5 Months old. He has a shell pool at home to go swimming in, he loves the water and adores all other dogs.
Tamara Bouten
Victoria, Australia Victoria, Australia

Leo Leo
Golden Retriever
Leo is our New Years puppy born on 01/01/01! We often wonder what he would say and sound like if he could talk - we think he would sound like Yoda!
Rebekah B

Puppy Love Puppy Love
Golden Retriever
Puppy Love
Their names are Daisy and Kobe they are 1 day apart but not related, Daisy has no neck tie, and Kobe does.
Amanda Clark
United States United States

Bailey Bailey
Golden Retriever
Since moving to Florida from New York.. she has acquired new hobbies. One is lounging in our pool.
Marc N
Florida, USA Florida, USA

Trek Trek
Golden Retriever
Not Forgotten
Trek was only with us for 2 years, but they were 2 great years. We adopted him from a breeder as he was a retired sire. He quickly adapted to his new indoor lifestyle and loved to lounge around. He became a huge part of our family, welcoming our newborn daughter with open paws. He had to be put down because of cancer on 2/2/06. Trek we already miss you so much. Be a good boy.
Kris V
Haverhill, Ma. USA Haverhill, Ma. USA

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