187 Miniature Schnauzer Photos
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Gatorbait Gatorbait
Miniature Schnauzer
Gator is three years old. She is super smart. I haven't broke it to her that she is a dog. so SHHHHH! don't tell her. Gator was black and brown as a pup and after her first haircut she turned white. She loves playing soccer.
Nezzie Guidry

Rio Rio
Miniature Schnauzer
Rio is my first pet and unfortunately has become a complete "daddy's girl", rather than a "mommy's girl". Her intelligence, obedience and complete and total desire to please us has made her our best friend. I never imagined I would love a pet as much as I've come to love Rio.
Suzanne Maxim
Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada

Nellie JoDean Nellie JoDean
Miniature Schnauzer
Nellie JoDean
Nellie JoDean is our little girl. She travels with us, eats with us, plays with us, sleeps with us. She loves relative's pets as well as our 10 year old Russian Blue cat Peek-A-Boo. I have never seen such a loving, caring dog ever. She truly is special.
Don and Kristie N
Indiana, USA Indiana, USA

Misty Misty
Miniature Schnauzer
When I went to the place to get my beloved Misty, there were about 10 other puppies, Miniature Schuazers all jumping on me wanting me to pay more attention to one pup. This one pup was sitting all alone, I was looking at her. Then she came to me, sat in between my legs. I thought that was the sweetest thing she did. So I decided to pick her.
Jennifer Reynolds

Barnaby Barnaby
Miniature Schnauzer
He is very loving and loves to give kisses and hugs. He loves to play with his brother Coda! His favorite toy is anything he can take from Coda then he goes to bury it. He loves to play at the dog park with all his buddies and he celebrates his 1st birthday on February 1st!

Cuzzi Cuzzi
Miniature Schnauzer
She loves food and her daily walks. She has a favourite toy which is her tellytubby. Always seeking attention and wants to be included in every party.
Phil and Chris Teow
Perth, Western Australia Perth, Western Australia

Lil Miss Daisy Lil Miss Daisy
Miniature Schnauzer
Lil Miss Daisy
She is very lively and adorable. She loves to play with the doggy in the mirror, catch some air in the car window and smuggle with you on the couch. She loves to sleep, she thinks she's human and sleeps on her back with a pillow and blanket over her. She has more personality than we ever could have imagined. She's forgiving, caring, tender, warm, a faithful friend no matter what, who never turns away, devoted and protective, too. She loves to romp and play. A big cold nose and licking tongue with happy busytail. She's the best puppy we have ever had. Nobody could ask for more.
Debbie Lee

Sammie Sammie
Miniature Schnauzer
Not Forgotten
A true best friend, happy little guy who was always ready for a car ride and cookie when we got back home. I MISS YOU!!!
Ron Klym
Canada Canada

Oscar (Trakehner Benito) Oscar (Trakehner Benito)
Miniature Schnauzer
Oscar (Trakehner Benito)
A 4 mth old Oscar with his fav ball.
Bj Larkin
Brisbane, Australia Brisbane, Australia

Oscar (Trakehner Benito) Oscar (Trakehner Benito)
Miniature Schnauzer
Oscar (Trakehner Benito)
Oscar is the apple of our eye. He is almost 5 mths and his fav past time is pulling out dirty clothes from the dirty clothes basket to lay on. He is one spoilt Schnauzer who shares our love, joy and most of all our BED!!
Bj Larkin
Australia Australia

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