4085 USA Dog Photos
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Abby Abby
Italian Greyhound
He is 4 years old and totally blind but you could never tell. He get's around into everything like a regular pup. He's my hero buddy.
Trish Miller
Usa Usa

Abby Abby
Italian Greyhound
He is 4 years old and totally blind but you could never tell. He get's around into everything like a regular pup. He's my hero buddy.
Trish Miller
Usa Usa

Candi Candi
Golden Retriever
Not Forgotten
Candi is a very special girl. She was diagnosed with bone cancer when she was 13.7 yrs old, had an amputation and chemo. Candi did very well for about 6 months at which time we found another lump. The cancer was believed to have metastisized to her brain. She went to the Rainbow Bridge on 12/1/06 at the age of 14 yrs 25 days. Candi survived the bone cancer (OS) but was found to have had another cancer that metastisized to many of her organs. Candi was one of the sweetest and loyal dogs ever. She was loved very much and will be missed!!!
Debbie Myers
Usa Usa

Sadie Sadie
Shih Tzu
Hi, I was born 09/30/06, so that makes me 4 mos old now. I love my new Mom. She likes to dress me up and make me look pretty, and takes me out to show me off to all her friends. I have a great furture ahead of me.
Cathy Daum
Usa Usa

Sadie Sadie
Labrador Retriever
Sadie loves getting her picture taken. She will sit there all day for treats.
Jacki A.
Usa Usa

Samson Samson
Brussels Griffon
He always loves to play. he likes to watch dog shows and adores treats
Kora K
Usa Usa

Delilah Delilah
Delilah is a very playful puppy. She enjoys walking, running and of course getting into trouble. She loves to cuddle. She comes with me everywhere I go, she even loves to go for rides in the car. Everyone should be as lucky as me to have a great pup like her.
Melissa B.
Usa Usa

Gracie Gracie
Basset Hound
Gracie is as adorable in real life as she is in these pictures. She's very athletic, loves all of her friends, and is always up for a good run. She's my third Basset - don't go looking at Basset puppies unless you're prepared to bring one home! They're irresistable!
Elaine S.
Usa Usa

Boomer Boomer
Ain't we a cute couple. Don't hate...Appreciate.
Mckenzie Combs
Usa Usa

Taco Taco
taco is the happiest dog ever. he is always ready to play and always ready to go bye-bye.
Paige Moore
Usa Usa

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