250 German Shepherd Dog Photos
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Jacky the nice Dog Jacky the nice Dog
German Shepherd Dog
Jacky the nice Dog
He is a friendly and nice dog who is active. He is like a man in the home. We care a lot for him and everyone nearby likes him.
Chinna Naikoti
India India

Emily Paris Rose Emily Paris Rose
German Shepherd Dog
Emily Paris Rose
This is our beautiful German Shepherd miss Em. She is a little over 3yrs and a true princess. We love her more and more every day. We have so much fun together. We know exactly what each other is thinking. Having already lost our beautiful handsome boy 3 yrs ago, just the thought of anything happening to the delightful miss Em is overwhelming. Mmm how do i write this, our poor little girl has just been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and is seeing the specialist in October. If she needs a hip replacement then this is what she will get, we will give her everything. All of our fingers and toes are crossed for our furry four legged child.
Karen F
Australia Australia

Legend Legend
German Shepherd Dog
Just give Legend her hose and her Dad and she is a happy camper!
Bret Donaldson

Candy Candy
German Shepherd Dog
Candy is a two year old female. Very playful and loves attention. Here you see her with Bingo, a mixed breed rescued from the streets. They are the best of friends.
S Karim
Bangladesh Bangladesh

Wilma Wilma
German Shepherd Dog
Wilma is a 1 year old German Shepherd. She loves kids and other dogs. She also loves to play frisbee and tug.

Ruff Ruff
German Shepherd Dog
this is my dog Ruff he is a GSD he is about 5 years old and is a dog that loves to play we have had him for a good 2-3 years now when i first met him he tried to bite me but lucky he was on the chain and after he had got to know me he has been a great dog he just loves the family members and really is angry at strangers the thing i like about him is that Ruff does not let any one come in the house at night because what happened once heres a little story well once I came back from my friends house one night my brother had already opened him and he did not WARN me that he was open and as soon as I came in he ran straight for me and bit me (ow) because of this I had to have 14 injections, but apart from this we love our dog hes our boy
Jamie Walton

Jack Jack
German Shepherd Dog
Yep it's him, my best mate Jack. He loves me loads.
Jaby ...
Pakistan Pakistan

Ty Ty
German Shepherd Dog
Ty is 6 years old but you would think he was 6 months! still loves his toys, swimming, having a good old bark at visitors and playing with ANYONE! he is much loved by everyone that knows him.
Tres H

Aike Vom Rheinblick Aike Vom Rheinblick
German Shepherd Dog
Aike Vom Rheinblick
Beautiful import female. Our pride and joy. A family member and a great foundation to our breeding.
Heather Auger
Canada Canada

Dinoo Dinoo
German Shepherd Dog
he is 2 and half year old and is a gud dog, loves to play a lot..mostly he likes to play football....
Kishan Laishram
India India

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