4085 USA Dog Photos
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Bear Bear
Chow Chow
Not Forgotten
We ended up putting him to sleep because he was sold to owners that abused him & wanted him as a guard dog in a salvage yard (not devulged to us). We tried to repair his wounds, but he was no longer safe to keep around. Shame on owners that abuse dogs! I think a big misconception with Chow Chows is that they are born mean. He was a beauty, very friendly & loveable until the horrible experience. He also had AKC papers.
Lynn Thomas

Pepper-Jack Pepper-Jack
Mixed Breed
My son found Pepper-Jack on 6-6-06. We decided he's a keeper A month of at home care Good food LOVE and home remedies for Mange, he's Cured! He's about 4mos now and doing awesome! Pepper-Jacks a Lab-Mix maybe Lab/pit. Hes an added treat to our Family and for his 4 legged brother Moe he's 4yrs, he's such a Team player. We love him so much! you're our little Soldier Pepper-Jack...
Annmarie L
Ft Lauderdale USA Ft Lauderdale USA

Chance Chance
Not Forgotten
This was my baby for 10 1/2 years, He was so special and will always be loved and never forgotten. He had never been sick at all...was in perfect health, and died unexpectly while being boarded at his vet while I went on vacation. He died the first night there. This has been so hard for me. I would give anything just to have Chance back. I miss him dearly.
Audrey Russell

Ellie May Ellie May
Golden Retriever
Ellie May
Ellie May is 3 years old and is such a sweet dog. She is an important member of our family. She loves going for walks and when I ask her if she wants to go she spins around and around. She also digs up moles and plays them to death. She is a great mole dog. She sleeps in the bedroom with my husband and I at night. She stays right with us all the time. We love her so much.
V.J. Walters
Kentucky, USA Kentucky, USA

Speckles Speckles
Australian Shepherd
Speckles is an australian shepherdHe is a wonderful dog and is only 8 months old and completely obediance trained. He will "heel" on command while on a very busy street and does not get distracted from me if he is off-leash. Some people think ts amazing, but its just the quality of training that he has recieved since he was born.
Loran P
United States United States

Goldie & Leo Goldie & Leo
American Staffordshire Terrier
Goldie & Leo
This is Goldie and Leo. They are the best of buds. When Leo first came to us, he would sit on Goldie for hours and chew and lick her ear. She paid no mind, and I think she actually enjoyed it!! Goldie is 2 and Leo just turned a year. They also have a shepherd mix sister, Cookie, who is 1½ years old.
Christina Devine
U.S.A. U.S.A.

Skylar & Jersey Skylar & Jersey
Skylar & Jersey
Jersey & Skylar are 2 very spoiled Dachshunds!

Penny Penny
His name is Penny, at 2 years old. He is quite rambuncious and perky.
Cindy Phung

Roxy Roxy
we just recently got her so we're still getting to know her right now!! but so far she's been awesome, im glad we got her!
Mandy C

Canelo Mondragon Canelo Mondragon
Canelo Mondragon
He is three yrs old and loves us a lot! We have five dogs total. Canelo(the dad), Snickers(the mom), Luckey(the pup), and Canela(the pup). We all love them very much!!!!!!
Samantha Mondragon

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