447 United Kingdom Dog Photos
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Jacksharmann Dior Star 'Xena' Jacksharmann Dior Star 'Xena'
Chinese Shar-Pei
Jacksharmann Dior Star 'Xena'
Xena just loves life to the full, is full of mischief and a never ending supply of energy.
Mick & Denise Jackson
England England

Nelson Nelson
Bull Terrier
this is my daughter meg with my partners dog nelson... he such a softy... like this pic cos hes laughing at meg lol
Mark H
England England

Tiiz3R Tiiz3R
Jack Russell Terrier
Hes a fun, energetic dog who loves his food. He can always make you laugh and cuddles with you when you cry. Hes an attention seeker and don't like to miss out on ANYTHING!
Beth Foster
England England

David Brooks David Brooks
Mixed Breed
David Brooks
archie is a very friendly dog, he is a 1 year old staff/german sheperd, he loves going for long walks as he has a lot of energy! His best friend is benny, and he has a girlfriend called ellie!!
D Brooks
British British

Ralcott Bat Out Of Hell (Booh) Ralcott Bat Out Of Hell (Booh)
Ralcott Bat Out Of Hell (Booh)
Booh is my third generation beagle. I also own Mum and Grandmother.
Sue Hall
British British

Frisky Whisky! Frisky Whisky!
Jack Russell Terrier
Frisky Whisky!
She is a Jack Russell and loves to sit on peoples laps and run around the house!
Whiskey! Birkin
England England

Dalma And Cilla Dalma And Cilla
Dalma And Cilla
Dalma and Cilla are Bichon Havanese they are fabulous and very funny, they are inseparable and share everything.We call them the terrible twins...
Eurobichons Stapleton
Uk Uk

Louis Louis
Bichon Frise
He lost his willy in freak accident this year was top show dog and father now he is aka Louise.
Eurobichons Stapleton
Uk Uk

Whiskey Whiskey
Jack Russell Terrier
She loves lying in the sun.
Whiskey B
England England

Lance Or (Sir Lancelot Smith ) Lance Or (Sir Lancelot Smith )
Lance Or (Sir Lancelot Smith )
lancey is a 3 year old bullmastiff. we kinda rescuded him from kennel as the peolpe were moving to spain. he is really well trained and when we brought him hed never seen a cat in his life but he got used to them as there are 13 cats in our street. his family adored him anmd we ador him though he lets wind often and its stinky *Phew* A specil message from lance: " Any like Stoke City, wat u mean there rubbish? Get this flippin hat of me now!"
Hanzy Smith
England England

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