447 United Kingdom Dog Photos
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Samson Samson
Samson was rescued from a local dog shelter, he is now with a loving caring family, he likes walkies, eating and sleeping lots, and snores very very LOUD!!
P Liddle
United Kingdom United Kingdom

LuLu LuLu
West Highland White Terrier
This is LuLu, she's only 7 weeks old and a real handful but worth it!
Donna Whiting
Blackpool U.K. Blackpool U.K.

Mac and Tammy Mac and Tammy
Golden Retriever
Mac and Tammy
Mac and Tammy are the most loveabe dogs ever well how can you resist there gorgeous faces. Mac is 15 coming onto 16 and Tammy is 7 (white retriever), they love each other so much and give each other kisses and they give me cuddles.
Julie Harding
British British

Missy Missy
Scottish Terrier
This is Missy, she's our little angel, she loves getting cuddles and being treated like our little baby!
Donna Whiting
Blackpool U.K. Blackpool U.K.

Max Max
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
This is max he is now 6 months old and is a soppy little boy. He loves the childrens toys more than his own. He lives here with me my 18 month old dauther and my 7yr old daughter, even though hes only 6 months he still thinks hes there protector bless him. He is always with my 18 month old daughter he is really her dog. This is a really good dog to have if you have children well i think so as some people think they are agressive dogs, but it is only the way you bring them up. I would never be with out him now even though he has ruined my house and i dont even wanna imagine how many puonds worth of my childrens toys hes gone through But we all love him. :)
Yana Williams
British British

Bramble (Bambi) Bramble (Bambi)
Mixed Breed
Bramble (Bambi)
Hello, my name is Bramble but mummy and daddy call me Bambi as I am such a little baby. I love cuddles and playing with my toys and my brother Luca who you have already met. Daddy says I am like a rag doll cat as I go all floppy when he cuddles me. By the way, I'm the cute ginger one. Bye bye.
British British

Luca Luca
Mixed Breed
Hello, my mummy and daddy tell me I am a beautiful prince. Don't you agree? I like to give a paw and am always wagging my tail. I like to lay on the bed pillows even though I shouldn't. I have to go now as my little eyes are tired. Bye bye.
British British

Lola Lola
Rhodesian Ridgeback
This is our puppy Lola at 2.5 months.
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Beryl Beryl
Beryl is already on this site just thought I would send you all an updated pic to show you that she's turning into a fantastic lookin dog.. but she's still mad and snores nearly as loud as her mum lol..
Mark H
England England

Harvey Harvey
This is Harvey Bread Name Nabucco Fearless. He is a very good boy, but very stubborn like all Dalmatians. We have been teaching Harvey to run with a Horse. In the uk for a few years a competition has been set up known as the carriage dog trials, where the Dalys do obedience and endurance run. There are 3 awards Gold, Silver and Bronze. Harvey has just passed his bronze and will be taking his silver in the summer. Bronze was a 6 mile hack with the horse, silver will be a 12 mile hack with the horse. Gold is a 25 mile hack. This must be done in a certain amount of time. Harvey has also been to Crufts twice.
Jason Scott
Great Britain Great Britain

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