765 Mixed Breed Photos
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Sandi Sandi
Mixed Breed
She is 9 yrs old and so loveable. This was taken at Christmas 2006 at my parents house in front of thier tree. She is such a smart dog and so cute!
Lisa Kisner
Maryland, Usa Maryland, Usa

Augie Augie
Mixed Breed
"Augie Dog" is our very special girl! She's a Bogle (Beagle-Mom, Boxer-Dad). She just turned 3 on 1-1-07. Her favorite past time is playing, a good bone, time with Bailie the Boxer (her sister), her walks and vegging out! She is probably the smartest dog we know and our very best friend!
Usa Usa

Dingy Dingy
Mixed Breed
Dingy is wonderful she does these amazing things sometimes she jus fabulous that to cute. she is very loving and very protective she like the baby at home everyone love her about i love her the most dingy is jus great.
Sarah Seesahai
Trinidad And Tobago Trinidad And Tobago

Rain Rain Go Away Rain Rain Go Away
Mixed Breed
Rain Rain Go Away
We adopted Hunter after hearing that he had been through 3 animal shelters and 4 homes. We knew he was the right dog for us. It has been a blessing and a comfort to have him each day with us. Oh yeah, he loves his window seat!
Janice Wrhel
Usa Usa

Toffee Toffee
Mixed Breed
Toffee is a pug and chihuahua mix, she is very shaggy and feisty. About six months old now.
Shannon D
Usa Usa

Toffee Toffee
Mixed Breed
Toffee is a pug and chihuahua mix, she is very shaggy and feisty. About six months old now.
Shannon D
Usa Usa

Dr. Livingstone Dr. Livingstone
Mixed Breed
Dr. Livingstone
Dr. Livinstone is our little pound dog. She had very little fur and was whispy from being several pounds undersweight when we brought her home. She loves her new life. Food is still one of her favorite things. Giant raw hide bones bring her hours and hours of delight.
L. M.
Florida, Usa Florida, Usa

Marley Marley
Mixed Breed
Marley was rescued off the waters of the coast of Louisiana by a fisherman who said " I saw something black bobbing in the water. When I got closer, I realized it was a dog". Marley was living in a parking lot for about a month after that when we met.
Diane Johnson
Usa Usa

Lelu Lelu
Mixed Breed
I have an 85lb boxer, pitt, rott mix and she is beautiful. very freindly to most people, loyal, loving, fast runner high jumper, agressive hunter.... we love her
Shelia41 D
Usa Usa

Shelby Shelby
Mixed Breed
This is my little sweetheart Shelby, she is almost 5yrs old, and is my world, she is a Rhodesian Ridgeback mixed with yellow lab, an is a wonderful girl.
Cyndie Schneider
United States United States

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