765 Mixed Breed Photos
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Lizzy Lizzy
Mixed Breed
she is so lovebley and she cross with a english springer cross with walker coon dog she is so cuite she sometimes get along with other dogs but it denpds what mood she in
Amanda Althoff
Usa Usa

Babe Babe
Mixed Breed
Babe is the best dog...She is a sports fanatic and loves soccer..i don't know what i could do with out her here.
Ciara M
Usa Usa

Cooper Cooper
Mixed Breed
Cooper is a lab/shepard/beagle mix. She is the biggest cuddle-bug you could ever imagine- she is our big baby! She loves to cuddle on the couch, the closer she can get to you the better. At night she sleeps on the bed with us, in the middle of course! She loves to go to the park, play frizbee, and go anywhere the car is going. She makes darn sure those pesky neighborhood kitties stay out of our yard or else. Cooper is a big wimp when it comes to the rain- she has been known to hold her pee for more than twelve hours and just refuses to go out and get wet! She loves the snow, however, and her favorite game is catching snowballs in the back yard with daddy! She always keeps her mommy's feet warm when she's on the computer doing her work by sleeping under the desk. We feel so lucky to have been given this beautiful ball of light and thank her everyday for coming into our lives with love and cuddles!
Amy And Wayne
Canada Canada

Charlie Charlie
Mixed Breed
charlie is actually a mini schnauzer crossed with a poodle charlie is a boy and his bithday is the 26th of december and he is 1 year and almost a month old he is very cute he can sit, lie, high five, shake and play roll the ball thats pretty much all i can say about charlie
Vicky M
Australia Australia

Dallas Dallas
Mixed Breed
Dallas the Goldendoodle
Josh Orenten
United States United States

David Brooks David Brooks
Mixed Breed
David Brooks
archie is a very friendly dog, he is a 1 year old staff/german sheperd, he loves going for long walks as he has a lot of energy! His best friend is benny, and he has a girlfriend called ellie!!
D Brooks
British British

Princess Princess
Mixed Breed
This is a picture of my perfict dog Princess!! My mom and her friend got her for me and my sister. She was not shown in the cages because the people thought she was not ready for having a owner yet. So the people brought her out and she ran around the pet store. Other people wanted her but my mom got her. When she came in the house I was so surprised that I almost fainted. We love her very dearly!
Kristina Gibaldi
Usa Usa

Sugar Sugar
Mixed Breed
Sugar was adopted from the b.c. spca when she was one years old. She enjoys sleeping, camping, and running in the snow.
British Columbia, Canada British Columbia, Canada

Molly Molly
Mixed Breed
Molly is one year old, weighs 4.6 pounds and LOVES to get dressed up. She is very sweet and loves snuggling up in her fleece blanket. She loves grandma because she babysits her while mommy goes to work! How did we ever get along without her!
Carmen C
Usa Usa

Tori Tori
Mixed Breed
Tori is 9 months old, mix of German Shepard, Rottie, and some Chow. She loves to lay in themud, chase squirrels, and eat rawhides. Shes the "baby" among my three other dogs, also mixed breeds, all adopted from shelters or rescure organization.Shes quite the rowdy girl and talks to us in her own unique growling speech...
Janet B
Georgia,Usa Georgia,Usa

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