4085 USA Dog Photos
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Snoopy Snoopy
This is snoopy, One of our two wild pups. I love him so much. :D He is so sweet. He loves to wrestle with his borther Wylie. And yes we did adopt snoopy and he is ours so dont ask. Haha, Well thanks for reading.
Leeee Spizzle
South Carolina, USA South Carolina, USA

King Solomon King Solomon
Shih Tzu
King Solomon
King Solomon, or Solly Wolly as we prefer, is 2 years old. He is smart, loving, and a loyal member of the family.
Missouri Missouri

Drake Drake
Saint Bernard
He's a big teddy bear so very loveable. Loves everyone.
Lisa Marie Bishop
America, Florida America, Florida

Bubba Bubba
Boston Terrier
Bubba is the sweetest most funny cute dog in the worls he makes everyone happy and laughing. But Beware- HE WILL LICK YOU TO DEATH!
Viviana Magana
California California

Diamond Diamond
Yorkshire Terrier
"Diamonds" are a girls BEST FRIEND and she TRULEY IS. She is 3 pounds but dont underestimate her size.. She likes to hike mountains and go canoeing as well as many other things! I have to try to keep up with her! Diamond loves her mommy and waits for her by the window to come home from work and then follows her around everywhere.. Diamond most of the time has her tonque sticking out making her look even more unresistably cute! XoXo
Nicole M
United States United States

Boudreaux & Beauregard Boudreaux & Beauregard
Boudreaux & Beauregard
My boys are mini-dachshunds and Boudreaux is almost 9 and Beauregard is 4. They adore each other and love to play, eat & sleep. Not necessarily in that order. They both vie for my attention and love kisses from mama.
Dody Cole
Nashville, TN Nashville, TN

Sisi Sisi
Bichon Frise
Sisi is the best dog I could ever have. Thats why I wanted to share this picture, for everyone to know what she is like!
Daniela Vibriesca
Chesapeake City,Maryland Chesapeake City,Maryland

Sisi Sisi
Bichon Frise
Not Forgotten
This picture was taken on Sisi's birthday!
Daniela Vibriesca
Maryland Maryland

Marley Marley
Mixed Breed
Marley is a Shar Pei/Rat Terrier Mix. She is full of energy and is very smart for being only 4 months old. She loves carrying sticks, chewing on leaves, and doing tricks!
Kaylen Nguyen
Indiana Indiana

Cuddles Cuddles
Cuddles is an indoors gal. She will patiently wait at the back door to be let in, but she always has a smile on her face.
Robin A.
Arizona Arizona

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