765 Mixed Breed Photos
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Sheba Sheba
Mixed Breed
Not Forgotten
my dog is almost 10 years old and is what we believe is a sheperd and husky mix. The photo is of her basking in the sun! she just looks so nice in this pic!
Coll Ben
usa usa

Mojo Mojo
Mixed Breed
My dog and I share a birthday every year. His mom was actually my own dog, and when she gave birth on my birthday I was very excited. He is actually a mixed Siberian Husky/ a little bit of wolf!
Kayla C.
United States United States

Roy Roy
Mixed Breed
Roy is a bernese mountain dog x german shepherd. He is great with our three kids and is very sweet. Loves the water to cool down.
Moon Kuij
New Zealand New Zealand

Ruby Ruby
Mixed Breed
Ruby is a poodle mix rescue. Ruby is an agility dog! She has over 10 different titles in agility and has placed at National Competitions! Ruby is a great bed warmer and a wonderful companion!
Audrey C

Becky Becky
Mixed Breed
Please vote against BSL! We have been mans best friend since the dawn of time. Why change it? Vote NO!
Sam Spach

Lucy Lucy
Mixed Breed
Lucy is a German Shepherd x Shar-pei whose personality and wrinkly face endear her to all humans (cats are definitely not included!)
Sally P.
Australia Australia

Becky Becky
Mixed Breed
Becky is a 2yr old pit bull/shepherd mix. Becky is an extremly hyper active dog and loves people to death. She always perks me up when i am sad. I just can live without her. She is my family and very best friend.
Sam Spach

Smokey Smokey
Mixed Breed
Smokey is my pet dog. German Shephered Cross male 9 years old. Very naughty and loving and yet a good watch dog too. Loves to eat chicken, french fries, and cakes. In fact eats anything that its owner has! Chases birds and cats. Does not like to go out during the rainy season. Loves to sleep on my bed!
Shari Atukorala
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Apollo Apollo
Mixed Breed
He is a complete goof ball. He makes me laugh all the time. And loves to play with his rope toy and get into trouble. His howl is soooo adorable!! And he is a charmer,too. He can get anything with one look of his beautiful,big grayish-brown eyes.
Cricket K
Wisconsin Wisconsin

Limerick Lady Limerick Lady
Mixed Breed
Limerick Lady
Lady is the most beautiful and affecinate dog, She is great with chrildren and adults goes around all day wagging her tail. when i lost my dog rusty after 15yrs i taught i would never feel the same again but boy was i wrong.She is a mix of king charles cavilier and terrier she is 18 months old. I love dressing her up but only for special occosons like when Munster are playing rugby in the Heineken cup and she sits there and poses for you.
Laura Ok
Ireland Ireland

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