189 Australia Dog Photos
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this is cookie i got him for christmas. he is very cute and cudelly and i love him lots. his nick name is COOK.
sierra howell
australia australia

The first time I saw Cookie in the pet shop i new he was the dog for Me. I called my dog Cookie because I call all my pets food names.
Sierra Howell
australia australia

lucy lucy
Jack Russell Terrier
lucy is 2 she is very very cute. Lucy likes to run around in circles.When she sleeps she is really cute.
arielle hall-Smith
australia australia

monty monty
Jack Russell Terrier
monty is five he loves balls and likes to sleep on the end of my bed.he sometimes gets grumpy but i still love him all the same.
arielle hall-Smith
australia australia

Lucy Lucy
Jack Russell Terrier
Lucy is very cute and she likes to sleep in my bed. She likes to jump on everyone as they walk in the door! She LOVES bones!
Sage Hall-Smith
Australia Australia

Lucy Lucy
Jack Russell Terrier
Lucy is such a lovable cheeky girl. She is so full of love and joy that she wants to spread it to everyone she comes accross. Her tail wags at the fastest pace, even when she's asleep!
Sascha Hall-Smith
Australia Australia

Milly Milly
Border Collie
milly is a black and white border collie. milly is the fastest of all of our dogs. she eats anything. we have to lock her up when we petsit. she and zack are always fighting over me.
Anna Gardner
australia australia

Oscar Oscar
Miniature Schnauzer
Oscar is our best friend and loyal companion. We love him like nothing else in this world.
Bianca & Brad Larkin
Brisbane Australia Brisbane Australia

Oscar Oscar
Miniature Schnauzer
Oscar is our living teddy bear. He is the best dog ever to own and very much our spoilt child. He comes everywhere with us and has a special spot on our bed at night time. He loves playtime with his best friend Abbey Gail (who is also a mini schnauzer) and has his 1st b'day on the 2nd of Sept.
Bianca & Brad Larkin
Australia Australia

Tia Maria Tia Maria
Miniature Schnauzer
Tia Maria
Well, we call her the little Princess as that's how she behaves and is treated, she is so spoilt, she has a brother called Jackson and loves him to bits. The joy she brings to us is second to none.
Louise Tracey
Australia Australia

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