189 Australia Dog Photos
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Shakara Shakara
German Shepherd Dog
Today my darling husband gave me this beautiful little. She is 3 mnths old. I don't know her very well yet but she has shown she is a real mummy's.
Emma Miles
Australia Australia

Bessie Bessie
Jack Russell Terrier
Bessie is 11 years old? Her breed is a Jack Russell. Bessie likes going for walks on the beach and likes going to see my Horse cause she chases the rabbits round there.
Libby Walker
Australia Australia

Tia Maria Tia Maria
Miniature Schnauzer
Tia Maria
Tia is the baby of the house, she's love cuddles and walks, definatley a mummy's, she's very excitable all the time. She's now 3 years of age and protects the family very well.
Louise Tracey
Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia

Rhani and Roxy Rhani and Roxy
Rhani and Roxy
Rhani and Roxy are our 2 month old Rottis. Rhani is a total mummy's girl who loves playing with the cat and chewing on everyone's shoes. Roxy belongs to my 6 yr old daughter, she is extremely spoilt and sleeps at the end of my daughter's bed in a wooden dolls cradle. Both girls are a special edition to our family. We loved seeing our other baby Mia on this site so we decided to show you our other girls!!!
Emma Miles
Australia Australia

Mia Mia
Mixed Breed
Mia is a maltese cross pom. She is 3 mnths old. She is spoilt rotten and loves her family especially her daddy. She loves playing with her feline brothers her rotti cross sister Rhani and her human brothers and sister. She doesn't like baths but LOVES cuddling up under the blankets with mum and dad on cold nights.
Emma Miles
Berri, South Australia Berri, South Australia

Fran Fran
Mixed Breed
She's sight impaired and lovable.
Rick Wilcox
Australia Australia

Kiara Kiara
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Kiara thinks she is human, but I don't mind, it is all about the personality and she has a very big one!! Go Aussie's!!!!
Alisha E
Australia Australia

Rex Rex
Mixed Breed
Rex is a Mareem/German Shepherd. He is 1 year old. He is our guard dog....
Emma D
Australia Australia

Mixed Breed
Starlight is a very nice dog. She likes to sleep all the time and once she was sleeping in my sister's pram! Starlight is a Bullmastif x Rotty.
Rhiannon Hall-Scales
Australia Australia

Cassie Cassie
Mixed Breed
This is my dog Cassie. She passed away earlier this year at the age of 11. She has been my best friend since I was 12 years old. We went on long walks together, played chasy, shared chips and lollies, and gave each other a hug when we needed it. I miss her very much and I hope she is in a good place and that we will meet again someday.
Australia Australia

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