526 Canada Dog Photos
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Kimu Kimu
Alaskan Malamute
He's the Best!
Ash J.
Canada Canada

Roscoe Roscoe
Standard Schnauzer
Roscoe is 9 months old, his birthday is December 21st. He is very energetic and a complete ham. He is always the center of attention and is loved by all!!
Nicole Gallant
Canada Canada

Sassy Sassy
Sassy is my precious baby. She's a fighter from day one. For her that was good. She had a rough start in life, had to be tube fed every 1 1/2 hours for a few weeks and weaned at 3 weeks. She was also given different meds to fight off infection. It was a long hard fight for her but she made it. She's 6 months old now and very much loved. She still has her off days but has more good. That's where her name comes in. She's full of spunk and won't let anything bring her down.
Dusty S.
Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada

MacTavish MacTavish
Cairn Terrier
Tav sure is fiesty, but he's a real suck when he wants something! Like a true terrier he loves the wet dirt in our garden and laying lazily under all my mum's new plants! He's great!!!
Liz Cairns
Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada

Aspen Aspen
Shih Tzu
Aspen is 1 1/2 years old and loves to get his picture taken. He enjoys walks, playing with his toys and being cuddled.
B. Warr
Alberta, Canada Alberta, Canada

Beau Beau
Border Collie
Ball of energy.
Douglas Holmberg
Canada Canada

Fulgu (Snowflake) Fulgu (Snowflake)
Siberian Husky
Fulgu (Snowflake)
He's the baby of the family, most lovable with a unique and rare personality of its kind. He enjoys attention and needs a lot of love and care. He's the best friend we all need around...
Creo Dan
Canada Canada

Oliver the pooch! Oliver the pooch!
Lhasa Apso
Oliver the pooch!
I own a puppy named Oliver. He is only 4 months old but already he is a sweetie pie! Oliver loves to get his tummy tickled and he loves chewing on his bones. He actually has a secret trick he can do! I will give him the command dance and he will get on his 2 feet and spin in circles. When he is sleeping he also snores, it is really funny. Over all I love my dog!
Farah Slim
Canada Canada

Ivory Ivory
Poodle (Standard)
Ivory just turned three on Aug.8th. She has brought me so much love and joy. She's very smart, loyal and protective. It's taken me almost the whole three years to learn to groom her and she's been very patient. In this picture she looks surprised, probably can't believe she’s looking like a poodle.
Anna Z.
Sakatchewan, Canada Sakatchewan, Canada

Ivory Ivory
Poodle (Standard)
Ivory loves her toys and loves to play, she’s bright, energetic and a clown who is curious about everything. Although reserved with adults she doesn’t know, she adores children but can be a little overwhelming with little ones. Ivory is my companion in my retirement and my best friend. Dogs rule!
Anna Z.
Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada

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