765 Mixed Breed Photos
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Stoli Stoli
Mixed Breed
My Stoli is a Black Lab/Rotty mix, though some think is is part Mastiff also due to his size. He is the best and most friendliest dog in the world and will lick you to death before he would ever bite.

Max Max
Mixed Breed
he is lovely and cute, now he is 5 months age he is very active love to play with his ball and he can jump high,
Emad Kamel
Egypt Egypt

Bru Monu Bru Monu
Mixed Breed
Bru Monu
His Name is Bru. But mostly we call him Monu. He is 1.5 years old. He is so loving to our family, but very much angry to strangers at first sight. He is very much obedient to his master. Bru loves us too much & we do also to him. We treat him like our family member. We purchased from Mr. Ramu of Tommy Tuttorial Raipur C. G.
C.K.S Paniker Gudiyari Raipur
Raipur chattisgharh India Raipur chattisgharh India

Bru Monu Bru Monu
Mixed Breed
Bru Monu
His Name is Bru. But Mostly we call him Monu. He is 1. 5 years old. He is so loving to our family, but very much angry to strangers at first sight. He is very much obedient to his master, Bru loves us too much & we do also to him. we treat him like our family member. We purchased from Mr. Ramu of Tommy Tuttorial Raipur C. G
C.K.S Paniker Gudiyari Raipur
Raipur chattisgharh India Raipur chattisgharh India

Brunoo Brunoo
Mixed Breed
He is our darling. He is with us when he was only 35 days only. now he is 1y5m. He is very familiar. But dangerous for strangers. He is mix Breed of German Shefard &Labreador.
S.Arun Panikar

Biskut Biskut
Mixed Breed
Biskut is maltese/shit-zu cross and he is sooooooo cute. My mum loves cats but my dad hates them so instead he got her snakes, but she still wanted a kitten. Then we were at a friends house and had to run to the shop and biskut was there with his sister and his owner who was giving him away. My mum was in love, so we went back to our friend's house and told dad and then we drove to the guy's house and got biskut. He is so cute and just recently we dyed him blue when he had long fur. He had to have an operation on his leg so we got him shaved fully because he was getting too hot and he was not happy with his new hair cut but now it's grown a bit and this is him......CUTE!!!
Jacki Holt
Australia Australia

Fred Kned Fred Kned
Mixed Breed
Fred Kned
Fred is a red healer cross.... not much else to say exept he is awsome.... Luv ya long time fred kned
Jacki Holt
australia australia

Bonsai The One Eye Bonsai The One Eye
Mixed Breed
Bonsai The One Eye
Bonsai is a jack russel cross he is gettin on in his days he is around nine and his birthday is the same as mine 14 december(but im 12).He only has one eye but that has nothing to do with his name its just ironic how he was named bonsai and then years later lost his eye but he is alwright without it. his mum tia gave birth to him and his 3 sisters jess,who is now with my uncle,and the other two are with some other people tia had to be put down b-cuz she kept bitting people but now bonsai has fred,bob and biskut and they are all happy.
Jacki Holt
australia australia

The One And Only...Dump Dog The One And Only...Dump Dog
Mixed Breed
The One And Only...Dump Dog
His name is bob but we call him dump dog is a mix breed we think he is blue healer cross red healer and mabey a bit of ding in him.He was found in a big rubbish bin at the local dump we were throwing out a old bike and some other stuff and my dad (mick) thought he was a squeaky toy (he was so tiny at the time)so he jumped in and said "this would be a good toy for fred (our other dog) but when he picked it up he realised it was a puppy so we took it home and thats how he came to us thats why his name is Bob the Dump Dog
Jacki Holt
australia australia

Riley Riley
Mixed Breed
He likes to play and is very energetic. He likes to play with cats and play in the snow.
Michael Youngblut

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