200 Shih Tzu Photos
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Miss Dolly Vitale Miss Dolly Vitale
Shih Tzu
Miss Dolly Vitale
We purchased Miss Dolly from a family when she was about 7 months old. They felt their lifestyle did not warrant a dog and were getting their s a hamster to take Miss Dolly's place (ugh). Her name at the time was Cinnamon, why I don't know. We had been petless for about 2 years after having to put our ers to sleep after 15years, they had lost control of most functions (so sad). Miss Dolly has been a blessing in our lives and we can't imagine life without her. She is very loving and happy and seems attached to both my husband and myself. She is 9 years old now and weighs about 20lbs, is larger than most and loves almost everyone.
JC Vitale

Marco Marco
Shih Tzu
Marco is a purebred Shih Tzu puppy from Stain Glass Shih Tzu in Indiana. In this photo he is 8 weeks old and about 2.5 pounds. He is a very lovable little guy!
Michelle Rimdzius

Payton Payton
Shih Tzu
Payton is a 9 month old male Shih Tzu. He was purchased from Stain Glass Shih Tzu in Austin, IN. He is a wonderful companion and very loving by nature. I live by myself, so he makes a great friend. He is soon getting a little brother Shih Tzu from the same breeder this weekend.
Michelle R.
Illinois, USA Illinois, USA

Ferguson Ferguson
Shih Tzu
Ferguson or "Boo-Boo" as we sometimes affectionately call him has brought some much happiness to us in his first year of life. He is a cuddly sweet pea who loves to play fetch, romp outside and play with his best friend,the cat Sheepy.
Beth & Bill M.

Sandy Sandy
Shih Tzu
This puppy has grown to be 20 lbs. The mother is 7 lbs and the father is 12 lbs. He is the king of the house now.
Heather Cornick
Newfoundland, Canada Newfoundland, Canada

Harrison & Lenny Harrison & Lenny
Shih Tzu
Harrison & Lenny
Harrison & Lenny are brothers that are 5 years 7 months old..they love going for walks, love fresh home made treats...and love to cuddle under blankets.
Tobi Folkins
Mississauga, Ontario - Canada Mississauga, Ontario - Canada

Coco Coco
Shih Tzu
This is Princess Coco, she is spoiled in every sense and she knows it. This is her right before play group.
Linda H.

Puppy Love Puppy Love
Shih Tzu
Puppy Love
These are two Shihtzu puppies of ours that are 4 weeks old..they are two from a litter of 5.
Kathy Thompson

Chyna Chyna
Shih Tzu
Chyna Manaya Royster is four years old. She was born on July 15, 1999. She is so playful and very spoiled. She has her own wardrobe and furniture and loves to play fetch with any kind of ball. Everyone who meets her loves her.
Keisha Royster

Alex Alex
Shih Tzu
Alex is a 4 month old Shih Tzu. He loves playing in the grass.
Justin and Rianne Dunn
Philippines Philippines

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