526 Canada Dog Photos
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Odis Odis
Odis is the sweetest dog in the world. He is a very, busy, happy little guy that loves to play fetch and takes advantage of visitors to play with him.
Lynn Lefebvre
Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada

Diesel Diesel
Great Pyrenees
This is our new baby, Diesel. He is just eight weeks in this picture. He is now three months and full of trouble. His favorite spot was under the stool. He no longer fits so the couch has become his cozy spot!
Maria N
Canada Canada

Cooper Cooper
Mixed Breed
Cooper is a lab/shepard/beagle mix. She is the biggest cuddle-bug you could ever imagine- she is our big baby! She loves to cuddle on the couch, the closer she can get to you the better. At night she sleeps on the bed with us, in the middle of course! She loves to go to the park, play frizbee, and go anywhere the car is going. She makes darn sure those pesky neighborhood kitties stay out of our yard or else. Cooper is a big wimp when it comes to the rain- she has been known to hold her pee for more than twelve hours and just refuses to go out and get wet! She loves the snow, however, and her favorite game is catching snowballs in the back yard with daddy! She always keeps her mommy's feet warm when she's on the computer doing her work by sleeping under the desk. We feel so lucky to have been given this beautiful ball of light and thank her everyday for coming into our lives with love and cuddles!
Amy And Wayne
Canada Canada

Patches Patches
Border Collie
patches is a sweet loving dog. he expectes to sleep on a bed, be covered up with blankets and put his head on a pillow.
Jen Sonmor
British Columbia British Columbia

Patches Patches
Border Collie
patches is very sweet and loves to play fetch
Jen Sonmor
British Columbia British Columbia

Roscoe Roscoe
Boston Terrier
Rosce the best dog ever!
Jodi Palmieri
Canada Canada

Sugar Sugar
Mixed Breed
Sugar was adopted from the b.c. spca when she was one years old. She enjoys sleeping, camping, and running in the snow.
British Columbia, Canada British Columbia, Canada

Lucky Dog Lucky Dog
Lucky Dog
Gracie is 8 years old and was recsued from the SPCA 18 months ago. She had a hard life and was left for long periods of time. Very little socialization and very much ignored. She has fit in very well, she is a ball and frizbee freak. She has one Blue eye and one Brown. Gracie is our second Dalmatian we had Oreao for 12 years, they really are so much alike. **Lucky Dogs**
Gracie Rws
Canada Canada

Indy Indy
Australian Shepherd
Indy can run with the best of them for a nine week old puppy she has the energy and the stamina I wish I had!
Catherine H
Canada Canada

Riley Riley
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
This is our dog Riley. We rescued her from the Kingston Humane Society in 2001 when she was just 7 months old. She will be 6 years old on April 4th 2007. Riley is an adorable, affectionate pup who we adore very much. She is the only dog we have ever owned as a family. Riley is sooo much like a human its unbelieveable. I wouldn't give her up for the world. We all love her very much. Her favourite activity is going for a walk. All you have to do is mention the word "walk" and she immediately starts bouncing off the walls.
S. R.
Canada Canada

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